PubChem的三个子数据库 PubChem Compound用于存储整理后的化合物化学结构信息 PubChem Substance用于存储机构和个人上传的化合物原始数据 PubChem Bioassay用于存储生化实验数据,实验数据来自于高通量筛选和文献 主界面登录后是这个样子的 Compounds:化合物 Substances:物质 BioAsssays:生物检测 About界面 举个栗子 咱们以...
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In this method, all chemical compounds are annotated in terms of standard chemical structural fragments. These standard fragments are defined by using criteria, such as chemical classification; structural, chemical, or functional groups; and commercial, scientific or common names or synonyms. These ...
bicarbonate nahco3 calcium carbonate caco3 strontium peroxide sro2 ammonium cyanide nh4cn ionic compounds compound composed of discrete ions and charged species. one of the atoms steals one or more electrons from the other atom. resulting electrical charges keep the atoms close together. na gives ...