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The effect of two doses of different sources of zinc,inorganic (zinc oxide) or chelated (zinc glutamate chelate),on morphology and turn-over of the small intestine was assessed in early-weaned pigs orally challenged with enterotoxigenic E. coli K88 (ETEC). Sixty pigs weaned at 21 days were...
zincMost turkey research has been conducted with a regular corn particle size set through phase-feeding programs. This study's first objective was to determine the effect of increasing corn particle size through the feed phases on performance, processing yield, and feed milling energy usage in ...
Superior growth perfor- mance in broiler chicks fed chelated compared to inorganic zinc in presence of elevated dietary copper. J Anim Sci Biotechnol 2016; 7(1):13-21; https://doi.org/10.1186/s40104-016-0072-1Zhao J, Shirley RB, Dibner JJ, Wedekind KJ, Yan F, Fisher P, Hampton TR,...
(2016). Superior growth performance in broiler chicks fed chelated compared to inorganic zinc in presence of elevated dietary copper. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 7, 13-21.Zhao J, Robert B, Shirley, Julia J, Dibner J. Superior growth perfor- mance in broiler chicks fed chelated compared to...
zinccoppermanganesefeedlotsulfateThe objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of supplementing a blend of chelated Zn-(2-hydroxy-4-methylthio butanoic acid; HMTBA)2, Cu-(HMTBA)2, and Mn-(HMTBA)2to feedlot cattle with access to drinking well water that contains high levels of...
zincTwo 54-d grow-out trials were conducted in a commercial broiler facility to determine the effect on performance, carcass yield, footpad lesions, and litter trace mineral concentrations when feeding broiler chicks diets containing reduced levels of chelated Zn-(HMTBA)(2) [where HMTBA is 2-...