Anton Chekhov's deeply influential plays have resonated with audiences for generations, addressing universal themes and human experiences. His timeless plays ...
Chekhov: PlaysPlays by Anton Chekhov, Elisaveta Fen . Read Plays now at Questia.SEREBRIAKOV
The Cherry Orchard, The Seagull, Uncle Vanya, Three Sisters, and other plays of Anton Chekhov have been acclaimed by audiences and readers since they first began appearing in the late nineteenth century. In this eloquent and insightful book, an eminent critic explores the reasons behind the endur...
商品名称:英文原版 契诃夫戏剧集 Anton Chekhov: Plays 企鹅黑经典 Penguin Black Classics 进口原版书籍 英文版 商品编号:10050636154192 店铺: 广州瑞雅图书专营店 货号:YBYDB-2894 商品介绍加载中... 下载客户端,开始阅读之旅 售后保障 正品行货 京东商城向您保证所售商品均为正品行货,京东自营商品开具机打发票...
Welcome! This web-site is devoted to the great russian writer Anton Chekhov. Here you can find his stories and plays, biography and photo album. Hope you enjoy this site. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (17 (29) January 1860 - 2 (15) July 1904) ...
预售【中商原版】Anton Chekhov: Plays 英文原版 企鹅经典 戏剧 2月下旬到货,Ivanov; The Seagull; Uncle Vanya; Three Sisters; The Cherry Orchard 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 发货地;货源地 商品评价 暂无评价 ...
Chekhov: the Major Plays的创作者 ··· 安东·契诃夫 作者 作者简介 ··· 契诃夫(1860—1904),俄国伟大作家、散文家、戏剧家,其作品被翻译成一百多种文字。本书所选的几部戏剧作品,在一百年间享誉世界戏剧界,在世界各国剧院常演不衰。 契诃夫的戏剧创作最初被评论家批评为情节松散、冲突性不强。但...
Through stories such as "The Steppe" and "The Lady with the Dog," and plays such as The Seagull and Uncle Vanya, Anton Chekhov emphasized the depths of human nature, the hidden significance of everyday events and the fine line between comedy and tragedy. Chekhov died of tuberculosis on Jul...
Chekhov-Russiandramatistwhoseplaysareconcernedwiththedifficultyofcommunicationbetweenpeople(1860-1904) Anton Chekhov,Anton Chekov,Anton Pavlovich Chekhov,Anton Pavlovich Chekov,Chekov BasedonWordNet3.0,Farlexclipartcollection.©2003-2012PrincetonUniversity,FarlexInc. ...
Some of the most famous plays by the Russian short story writer and playwright. His major plays are frequently revived in modern productions. This edition includes On the High Road, The Proposal, The Wedding, The Bear, A Tragedian in Spite of Himself, The Anniversary, The Three Sisters and ...