费城芝士牛排三文治(Philadelphia Cheese Steak Sandwich)口语中简称为Cheesesteak、Philly cheesesteak、cheesesteak sandwich、cheese steak、或steak & cheese等,是美国东北部最大城市,也是美国建国时的首都费拉德飞亚,简称费城一带流行的快餐速食。将切得很薄的牛肉片加上融化的奶酪,夹在一种长形面包(Hoagie Roll)里做...
8、将蒜切末,洋葱,蘑菇,芝士切片。为了给三明治带来一点烟熏风味,我选用的是smoked provolone cheese(烟熏菠萝夫洛芝士)。9、将冷冻半小时的牛肉切片。肉我选用的是肋眼牛排,相比其他部位含有更多的脂肪含量,煎出来的香气更足,油脂更丰富。肉提前冷冻半小时方便切片。10、锅内倒入适量食用油,将洋葱,蒜末煸...
Anyway, 这次的费城之旅,她按她老爸的要求,千里迢迢的带了一份“Philadelphia cheese steak sandwich ”,简称"Philly cheesesteak"(⊙o⊙)的费城特产,其实就是牛肉奶酪三文治,我还专门查了相关的维基百科。 费城的这种三文治,据说就是有着狂野的外形,但是带着柔软的内心,是各种热量爆表的米国代表性食物之一。 意式...
【Philly Cheesesteak超快手费城牛肉芝士三明治】1.所有食材加入厨师机中,低速2-3分钟,将所有食材混合成团。再开中速5-8分钟,将面团揉制表面光滑无干粉状态,无需手套膜;2.将打好的面团放入干净的盆中,表面覆盖湿纱布或保鲜膜室温或烤箱38度30分钟发酵至2-2.5倍大;3.
(redirected fromPhilly cheese steak sandwich) (chēz′stāk′) n. A sandwich consisting of a long roll filled with thinly sliced grilled beef, cheese, and often grilled onions. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt...
Philly Cheesesteak Sandwiches are a perfect idea for an easy family dinner to make in the Slow Cooker or the Instant Pot!
Cheesesteak, a sandwich made with sliced or chopped steak and melted cheese on a long sandwich roll. While its origins are subject to debate, brothers Pat and Harry Olivieri are often credited with coming up with the idea in South Philadelphia in the 193
被网友安利了这个费城三明治,一见欢喜,忍不住尽快安排。 Philly Cheesesteak 是美国宾夕法尼亚州费城(Philadelphia)的一种标志性食物。 晚上解冻了牛肉切片,早上就来做了。〔洋葱+牛肉+芝士〕的优秀组合,一口...
这是一种三明治,起源于美国费城。It is a sandwich originated from the city of Philadelphia, USA.用牛排切成的薄片做的 It is made of thinly sliced beefsteak.跟融化的粘粘的芝士一起放到切开的长面包上。served on a sliced roll with melty and gooey cheese. 还可加入炖软的洋葱。You can add ...
英语谈资:主菜 6 - Philly Cheesesteak 费城牛肉芝士三明治(西餐篇 73) 这是一种三明治,起源于美国费城。 It is a sandwich originated from the city of Philadelphia, USA. 用牛排切成的薄片做的 It is made of thinly sliced beefsteak. 跟融化的粘粘的芝士一起放到切开的长面包上。