crackers (e.g.cheese-flavoured crackers), bhujia (namkeen; snack made of a mixture [...] 例子包括薯片、爆穀、捲條脆餅(pretzels)、米餅(senbei)、調味(flavoured)薄 脆餅乾(例如乳酪味薄脆餅乾)、bhujia(namkeen,一種將麵粉、粟米、馬鈴 ...
There is a great range of cream flavours. Brown ‘chocolate’ creams are the most popular and vanilla and ‘creamy’ vanilla the next. Others include fruit flavours such as lemon, orange, strawberry and raspberry. The chocolate creams are flavoured with cocoa or cocoa mass (milled roastedcocoa...
One of the winning entries in our Ice Cream Challenge, where we asked consumers for their best ice cream-related ideas, was a blue cheese flavoured ice cream with crunchy almonds and crispy pears. 在我们的"冰淇淋挑战赛"中,我们要求消费者提出与冰淇淋相关的最佳创意,获奖创意之一是制作含有松脆杏仁...
The quality of a cream flavour can be improved by adding subliminal traces of salt or acids, or very low quantities of malty flavours or condiments. Savoury, Nonsweet Flavoured Creams Wafers with savoury flavoured fillings are always in discussion. However, there are very few in the market. On...
Flavoured Yoghurt 是由Mundella Foods Pty Ltd公司生产的Mundella Greek Honey Yoghurt。 小悉帅每天第一时间跟大家分享悉尼最新的大事小事,记得关注悉尼生活资讯,接下来那些吃喝玩乐奇闻趣事跑不了的! 悉尼新闻抢先知道! 冰淇淋冠军 Ice Cream 是由Gundowring Fine Foods公司生产的Gundowring Licorice Ice Cream。
g. cheese-flavoured crackers), bhujia (namkeen; snack made of a mixture [...] 例子包括薯片、爆穀、捲條脆餅(pretzels)、米餅(senbei)、調味(flavoured)薄 脆餅乾(例如乳酪味薄脆餅乾 )、bhujia(namkeen,一種將麵粉、粟米、馬鈴 薯、鹽、水果乾、花生、香料、色素、調味...
The Kinniburgh family business on Arran has a bonnie cheese shop where they sell their full range of artisan soft cheeses and flavoured blended cheddars, from Classic Island Cheddar to local variations. Their Bellevue Cheese Company, on Arran, is where Read More Scottish Food Studio Aberdour ...
1. I typically use grated Cheddar or Tasty Cheese (common in Australia). Any flavoured cheese will be terrific here, as long as it melts. Avoid Mozzarella - it doesn't have enough flavour. 2. Baking soda gives these muffins a kick start with the rise so you get a lovely dome BUT if...
which is located 190km north in Sicamous on Shuswap Lake. This isn’t a secret – Upper Bench proudly states the source of their milk on their website. D Dutchmen Dairy is known for their high-quality milk, flavoured cheeses, and their ice cream, which causes lineups that extend to the...
flavoured oil 香油 sunflower oil 葵花籽油 sweet spreads 甜酱 lemon curd 柠檬酱 jar 广口瓶 raspberry jam 覆盆子酱 marmalade 橘子酱 honeycomb 蜜脾 clear honey 液体蜂蜜 set honey 固体蜂蜜 maple syrup 枫糖浆 ●调味品 condiments and spreads● ...