Traditional cheese from Switzerland, cheese pairings, recipes and more from the premier Swiss cheese company in the USA. Discover traditional Gruyère and Emmentaler, Kaltbach, Fondue, Raclette and more.
大孔奶酪(Emmentaler Cheese):是一种上乘奶酪,表层有许多奶酪发酵过程中由碳酸形成的气孔,通过这些孔的样子就可以知道 …|基于3个网页 更多释义 例句 释义: 全部,挨门塔尔干酪,埃门塔尔干酪,大孔奶酪 更多例句筛选 1. The genuine article is a hard cheese, made of unpasteurised milk,...
Emmentaler is truly a giant among cheeses. Its distinctive holes are formed during the aging period, as it gives off gases that form air pockets within the cheese. These holes, called “eyes,” grow larger during the aging process. In Switzerland, traditional Emmental...
瑞士宝贝奶酪(Baby Swiss)、蒙特利·杰克奶酪(Monterey Jack)和科比奶酪(Colby)被誉为是三大美国本土原产奶酪。 Baby Swiss 名称的意思是“小小尺寸(Baby)的瑞士风格奶酪(Swiss Cheese)”,瑞士艾蒙塔尔奶酪(Emmentaler)在美国被叫做“Swiss Cheese”。 注意:“Swiss Cheese”(瑞士风格的奶酪)这个词是美国人发明的,...
Emmentaler可做Käsesalat,切片放面包上或与白葡萄同吃。切片的Emmentaler很好吃。但硬的Emmentaler口感不好,有一种渣渣漠漠的感觉。 Gouda:一种荷兰的特产奶酪,但在市场上也可见到其它国家生产的Gouda。根据成熟程度,从浅黄色到金棕色、柔软到干硬不等。味道也由柔和、细腻,淡淡的辛辣,辛辣至浓烈不等。油脂含量...
Basic Fondue (Fondue Neuchateloise) Uberbackener Spinat Mit Kase Asparagus - & - Emmenthaler Tart Emmenthaler is a dry, aged cheese that accents the flavor of asparagus. Serve as the main course of a light lunch or supper. Mac & Cheese for Grown-Ups ...
🧀14 埃蒙塔尔干酪Emmentaler Cheese:富有弹性,稍带甜味,是一种大型干酪。可以在餐后当做点心,可切片做三明治,可切丁拌色拉或者搭配清淡的红酒和清香的白葡萄酒。 🧀15 山羊奶酪Goat Cheese:可以直接抹在面包上,可作为开胃菜,可作为红酒小吃,也可以放在意大利面和色拉中。
EmmentalEM-en-tahl-erSave Share:If we had to put a crown on world’s most recognizable cheese, salty-sweet emmental would probably be our queen, with its golden hue and holey-er-than-thou holes. This gloriously melty Swiss-born cheese impressively never separates under heat. It’s nutty ...
Emmentaler (redirected fromEmmental (cheese)) Thesaurus Wikipedia Em·men·tal orEm·men·thal(ĕm′ən-täl′)alsoEm·men·tal·erorEm·men·thal·er(-täl′ər) n. A firm, pale yellow cheese with large holes and a sweet, nutty flavor. ...
5.Emmi Single Source Emmentaler Raw Milk age的味贼重,没有苦味甜味和别的味,就是干巴巴aged的味……难吃。 6.Emmi Swiss 吃不出来是swiss cheese(虽然普通款我也吃着没什么特别的),这个更是aged的奇奇怪怪...可谓是非常难吃。 7.El Mexicano Casero Queso Fresco 没...