道长仓库同步备份 仓库地址: https://gitcode.net/qq_32394351/dr_py - dr_py/libs/cheerio.min.jsd at master · 49656374/dr_py
i.e.elements with thehrefattribute. On every page loaded, the scraper looks for all links matching theLink selector. It checks that the target URL matches one of theGlob Patterns/Pseudo-URLs, and if so then adds the URL to the request queue, to be loaded by ...
{$:'article > .author',name:'> a',email:'> a | attr:href | substr:7',},};constresult=cheerioJsonMapperSync(html,template);console.log(result);// output:// {// headline: "My headline",// articleText: "My article text.",// author: {// name: "John Doe",// email: "john....
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