Cheer Up: Episodes 10-11 | We go easy on the mystery this week and fill our time with kissing, confessions, and crossed lines in love...
More than a dozen club members are eagerly soaking up the knowledge of the college level cheerleaders. "I've always been into like gymnastics and stuff and my mom did cheer, so I kind of wanted to try it," said Nevaeh, a 13-year-old club member. "I saw my friend do it, and she...
Let us create something specific for your team with our 10 vocalists and multiple producers. Life-changing stuff; you'll never go back to your previous music. Order Custom Over12,000teams per year choose CheerSounds. Every mix is created for the purpose of competitive cheerleading. Hear the ...
CBS Recently, the DU cheer squad held a cheer clinic for children at the Boston Boys & Girls Club. Third, fourth, and fifth graders got their first lesson in cheerleading. "We have learned some stuff about cheerleading, and I want to show you something," said 8-year-old Xochitl as s...
The competition may be rough, but our team’s got the stuff! Stand tall, stand proud, our team’s the one that draws the crowd! Rise above, conquer and love, our team’s got the spirit from above! Cheer with cheer, the victory’s near, our team has nothing to fear!
The disgust over stuff like this isn't about trying to be a big buzzkill or being oversensitive or gee, can't you take a joke? It's about the little ways we as both men and women are chipped away at by exactly the kind of mob mentality that the video displays. It's the unthinkin...
I’ve not written a proper blog on here for a while but I’ve been involved with some pretty cool stuff during Mental Health Awareness Week, so I’m jotting down a few notes here. Monday: Tech Manchester Wellness Festival This was my first visit to UK Fast Campus for this event focusi...
The long weekend had opened with a trip out to the CrossIron Mill outlet mall, where I also picked up a new suitcase, winter shoes and running shoes, plus several new button-up shirts and pants. Some of this stuff will be for my upcoming Japan trip, and the remainder is to ...
View All Gaming Age I would say that All Star Cheer Squad would probably make a solid game for a younger kid that's getting interested in the sport. The movements definitely mimic the stuff that actually occurs on field or in the gym, and even if you're not a fan of cheerleading you...
These ways include buying them stuff that helps the next person feel good about themselves. Therefore, below are some gifts that you would love to find out! 24. Pocket hug in a box “You are my sunshine” Check Price This adorable sunshine felt has a positive message and is ready to ...