NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork1.9k Star6.3k Use this GitHub action with your project Add this Action to an existing workflow or create a new one View on Marketplace main 47Branches49Tags Code README ...
### What problem were solved in this pull request? Problem: github action 中checkout代码的action很多使用的是v2,有时候github会发出告警。 ### What is changed and how it works? 使用最新版本 checkout@v4替换 main (#490) hnwyllmmauthoredNov 26, 2024 ...
Error: fatal: cloneof'******-setting.git'intosubmodule path'/home/runner/work/***/src/***-setting'failed Failedtoclone'src/***-setting'asecondtime, aborting Error: Theprocess'/usr/bin/git'failedwithexit code1 部分cicl.yml jobs:# This workflow contains a single job called ...
首先,actions/checkout@v2是GitHub Actions中一个常用的动作,用于将代码仓库的内容检出到工作目录中。默认情况下,该动作会将整个仓库的内容(包括所有文件和文件夹)检出到工作目录。 如果想保留生成文件夹,可以在使用actions/checkout@v2动作时,指定要保留的文件夹路径。可以通过设置sparse参数来实现这一点。 sp...
GitHub|Jetbrains Repository Lets you pick files from another git branch that do not exist on the current branch. Currently this is not possible via the "Compare With..." dialog for branches. This plugin adds the missing functionality via a separate dialog. ...
Antomprovides server-side API libraries for multiple languages. The following code uses Java as an example. You need to install Java 6 or later. Install an API library You can find the latest version onGitHub. copy <dependency><groupId></groupId><artifactId>global-open...
When thebuyerinitiates multiple payments, free the component resources created in the previouscreatePaymentSession (Checkout Payment). The following sample code shows how toinvokethe SDK: checkout.createComponent(activity, sessionData);//Free SDK component resourcescheckout.onDestroy(); ...
I am trying simply to add a custom checkbox in WooCommerce checkout but it's not working [duplicate] I am trying simply to add a custom checkbox in WooCommerce checkout with a classic code in the functions.php of my child theme but nothing appears on the checkout page. In don't unders...
GitHub Actions Code style and formatting Install Prettier ESLint extension (v5.1.0) VSCode: ...
When you click the “Open in Codespaces” button, you’ll gain immediate access to a PayPal sample application repository in a cloud-based coding environment. GitHub Codespaces allows developers from around the world to collaborate, share ideas, and edit code with others using the Visual ...