merge完成,发现我们跳到master分支了,因为我们一切操作是在本地的git仓库操作的,发现我们刚才的操作给主分支的这个文件判断出是有修改的,果断着手commit - pull - push来更新远程git仓服务器的master分支 这么一来主分支完成了更新,那么就得切回自己的分支继续开发工作了,切换分支(switch to branch)也和merge into一...
1.git branch创建分支 创建newImage分支 git branch newImage 提交新branch分支 git commit 这里注意到newImage并没有动,master到下面去了,这证明我们并未切换到newImage这个分支上 在git中,*这个符号代表你现在所在的分支。 于是我们需要—— 2.git checkout 切换分支 如果我们目前在master分支,情况如下图: 我们...
第一次checkout到本地,在将项目放入库里,之后commit Loading branch information...1 parent 86c87c0 commit 5195d383559320c98fd7fff5bd629e3f2126f2c0 Fllow-IOS committed Aug 9, 2016 Unified Split Showing 20 changed files with 1,287 additions and 0 deletions. +...
Switched to a new branch 'liang' 当本地库有了新的提交记录 # 本地分支比远程分支多了一次提交记录 # 可以使用 git push 将本地的提交记录推送到远程库 Your branch is ahead of 'origin/liang' by 1 commit. (use "git push" to publish your local commits) -q, --quiet不显示任何提示信息,如下...
Create a new unborn branch, named<new-branch>, started from<start-point>and switch to it. The first commit made on this new branch will have no parents and it will be the root of a new history totally disconnected from all the other branches and commits. ...
Normally, when checking out a branch, Git automatically moves the HEAD pointer along when you create new commits: you're automatically and always on the newest commit of the chosen branch.When you instead choose to check out a specific commit hash, Git will NOT do this for you. This means...
git checkout -b new-branch “` 这个命令相当于运行了两个命令:git branch new-branch(创建分支)和git checkout new-branch(切换到新分支)。 3. 恢复文件 如果你在工作目录中误删除或修改了一个文件,并且想要恢复到最新的版本库状态,可以使用checkout命令。例如,假设你误修改了一个名为”test.txt”的文件,...
1. git checkout [-q] [<commit>] [--] <paths> ... 2. git checkout [<branch>] 3. git checkout [-m] [ [-b | -- orphan ] <new_branch>] [start_point] 用法2比用法1的区别在于,用法1包含了路径。为了避免路径和引用(或提交ID)同名而发生冲突,可以在<paths>前用两个连续的连字符作为...
git checkout -q -b main2 --no-track $(git-branch) main fatal: '$(git-branch) main' is not a commit and a branch 'main2' cannot be created from it. The bug doesn't repro when I switch to the non-Insiders VS Code and it wasn't reproing last week, so I believe this is a...
$ git reset --hard commit-id $ git branch * dev-xxx/modfiy_value main $ git checkout main Switched to branch 'main' Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'. $ git pull remote: Enumerating objects: 5, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (5/5), done. ...