Can't Update:No Current Branch You are in 'detached HEAD' state, which means that you're not on any branch Checkout a branch to make update possible. 图示: 二、报错原因 Git出现分支游离状态(detached head),detached head是一种HEAD指针指向了某一个具体的 commit id,而不是分支的情况。在这个状...
方式一(IDEA通过git命令) 1.打开idea后,在最下方找到Terminal,点击; 或者直接Alt+F12也可以进入 2.在出来的命令行界面输入:git branch 该命令查看本地有哪些分支:我这边之后master和V3_xieyue20201013 3.输入git branch -a 该命令查看远程的所有分支:再次输入q退出远程分支查看; 4.切换develop远程分支,输入:git ...
current working revision (and thereby the files that are placed in your project's working directory). Normally, when checking out a branch, Git automatically moves the HEAD pointer along when you create new commits: you're automatically and always on the newest commit of the chosen branch. ...
简介:【Git异常】You are in ‘detached HEAD‘ state, which means that you‘re not on any branch Checkout a branch You are in 'detached HEAD' state, which means that you're not on any branch Checkout a branch to make update possible. 一、背景描述 使用IDEA编译器 更新项目时,居然更新不成...
1.Git branch 一般用于分支的操作,比如创建分支,查看分支等等, 1.1 git branch 不带参数:列出本地已经存在的分支,并且在当前分支的前面用"*"标记 1.2 git branch -r 查看远程版本库分支列表 1.3 git branch -a 查看所有分支列表,包括本地和远程 1.4 git branch dev ...
使用不同名称的本地分支时会出现实际差异:git checkout -b mybranch origin/abranch将创建mybranch和跟踪origin/abranchgit checkout --track origin/abranch将只创建' abranch',而不是具有不同名称的分支。(也就是说,正如塞巴斯蒂安·格拉夫所评论的那样,如果当地的分支机构已经不存在了。如果确实如此,你...
git checkout -b|-B <new_branch> [<start point>] Specifying -b causes a new branch to be created as if git-branch[1] were called and then checked out. In this case you can use the --track or --no-track options, which will be passed to git branch. As a convenience, --track...
git checkout-b|-B <new-branch> [<start-point>] Specifying-bcauses a new branch to be created as ifgit-branch[1]were called and then checked out. In this case you can use the--trackor--no-trackoptions, which will be passed togit branch. As a convenience,--trackwithout-bimplies br...
2. 接下来做出如下操作 git checkout -b B 3. 此时我们是能切换成功的,并且我们所做出的修改也一并带了过来 4. 此时我们在切换回A分支也是没有任何问题的,当然,我们所做出的修改也会跟着一起过来 总结 本章节主要讲述 add、branch、stash和checkout命令的作用、用法以及一些注意事项,带大家对这些命令有一个更...
1.Git branch 一般用于分支的操作,比如创建分支,查看分支等等, 1.1 git branch 不带参数:列出本地已经存在的分支,并且在当前分支的前面用"*"标记 1.2 git branch -r 查看远程版本库分支列表 1.3 git branch -a 查看所有分支列表,包括本地和远程 1.4 git branch dev ...