Explore MrsCheckmate for expert chess strategies, tips, and resources. Your ultimate guide to mastering the game of chess, for players at all levels.
The quickest checkmate in chess: the Fool's Mate. Scholar's Mate (Four-Move-Checkmate) TheScholar's Mateis an opening trap that catches many beginners off guard. It is also a quick mate that can happen after just four moves and involves attacking the weak f2 and f7-squares. ...
Checkmate in two moves ciupaking Updated: Jan 6, 2025, 1:12 PM | 0 0-1 1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4# 0-1 Comments (0) Login or Join Remove Ads Blogs ciupaking’s Blog ciupaking Dawid Ciupka Wrocław All Blogs Top Bloggers Remove AdsSupport...
A checkmate may occur in as few as two moves with all of the pieces still on the board (as in Fool's mate, in the opening phase of the game), in a middlegame position (as in the 1956 game called the Game of the Century between Donald Byrne and Bobby Fischer), or after many ...
to checkmate (in chess) 将死· 將死 · 逼将 · 逼將 to checkmate 将· 将死 ·將 例子 干 Advanced filtering Subcorpus Target language phrase Usually it means acheckmate'scoming. 它 通常 意味着 对方的 王棋 死期降 至OpenSubtitles2018.v3OpenSubtitles2018.v3 ...
In chess several checkmate patterns occur sufficiently frequently, or are otherwise of such interest to scholars, so as to have acquired specific names in chess commentary. The diagrams that follow show these checkmates with White checkmating Black....
chess move - the act of moving a chess piece Verb 1. checkmate - place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game; "Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves" mate chess game, chess - a board game for two players who move ...
In the neighbourhood, chess is a popular pastime with men being the most visible players. In this backdrop a domestic worker, a young woman in love and a former journalist make their moves with care. Read more: Plot summary Director Ektara Collective ...
Likewise, if you are playing a chess computer, the reason why it moves knight to bishop 3 or whatever might be because that's the only move to guard against checkmate. 同理,如果在电脑上下国际象棋,为什么把骑士移动到主教3的位置或者其它位置,因为只有那样走才能保护将军。 The phase II CheckMat...
Chess 3D Features: - Perfect strategic and brain training game for kids and adults; - Classic chess game rules. - Use your own strategy and combinations of moves: outwit your opponent! - Kids will be captured too by the amazing 3D graphics! - Develop your logic and fast-thinking!