Your Checklist for Moving Into a New Home Wondering what things you should do before you move into a new home? Do some seriousdeep cleaningand make a few safety updates to protect your home before the official move-in. 1. Clean Your House From Top to Bottom ...
It can feel like there’s an endless list of things to do, but there are some key steps you can take before moving day that could set you up for a smoother experience. Here's a checklist of to-dos to consider while the house is still empty: Change the locks on all exterior ...
Technology has even helped make the process of moving easier, but how easy is it to move the devices themselves? Moving into a new home requires a great deal of planning and organization and your technology is no exception. Here is a checklist of everything you should be prepared for when...
Compare specialised mortgages designed for those moving home Compare moving home mortgages Who to notify when moving house One of the major tasks when you move to a new home is informing everyone that needs to know, from friends and family, through to your regular service providers and the auth...
Things to buy for a new house don’t always fall into the traditional categories of furniture and home decor. These items are essential to keep you and your family safe in your new home: Insurance: Talk to your insurance agent before the move to ensure you have the coverag...
Moving into a new house can be a smooth and enjoyable experience with the right approach and preparation. By updating security systems, personalizing your space, planning for future improvements, and ensuring all utilities and services are set up, you create a safe, comfortable, and personalized ...
Moving house? Make it easy with MoveHub's ultimate checklist, helping you at every step of the way and save up to 70% on your move.
3. Update Your Address (for your IC and public & private services) Who do you need to inform when moving house? Simply put, your public and private service providers. The last thing you want is for your sensitive letters, packages and notices to be delivered to the new owner of you...
Organizing your move doesn’t end once you get the keys to your new rental. From spot-checking your boxes to cleaning and stocking up, follow these easy steps turn that space into a home. 1: Inspect boxes and check for damage Themoving companyhas delivered the boxes and furniture, and th...
Before you get too carried away with plans for your new home, let’s make sure you make it out of your old place in the first place. The team here at Moving APT has a few valuable tips for your upcoming move. As the big day approaches, you’ll be thankful for this moving checklis...