Qualifying widow(er).If your spouse dies and you don’t remarry in the same tax year, you can file jointly with your deceased spouse. For the two years following the year of death, you can use this status if you’re still unmarried and live with a qualifying dependent. ...
The insurance must have minimum coverage of 30.000 euro and cover 4 costs of any emergency medical treatment and repatriation for medical reasons as well as in case of death repatriation of the deceased. 旅行保险 (原件及复印件) 医疗保险.签证申请人须出示,其拥有的保险保额至少 3 万欧元,包含紧急...
The insurance must have minimum coverage of 30.000 euro and cover costs of any emergency 3 medical treatment and repatriation for medical reasons as well as in case of death repatriation of the deceased. 旅行保险 须覆盖全部申根成员国,全部停留时间,且包含意外医疗,死亡,遗体遣送等在内的,总保 额三...
ChecklistforStudy 国别学生签证申请审核表 Wykazdokumentów–wizaKrajowa–Studia Name: 姓名:__**___ Imięinazwisko: PassportNumber: 护照号:___ Numerpaszportu: PurposeofVisit: 访问目的:___ Celwizyty: ContactNo.:___ (联系电话) Numerkontaktowy: E-mailaddress: 电子邮箱:___ Adrese-mail: Prepa...
repatriationformedicalreasonsaswellasincaseofdeath repatriationofthedeceased.Listofnamesofallinsured, thenamesoftheinsuredshouldbewrittenalsoinpinyin. 旅行医疗保险:原件或复印件均可(手写不接受)。被保险 人的名字和拼音均应体现在保单里。旅行医疗保险必须覆盖 ...
Proof of single custody of that parent either by submittal of the court ruling or submittal of the death certificate of the deceased parent Or (if both parents have shared custody) submittal of written and signed authorization letter of the parent non-present with passport copy (biomet...
The insurance must have minimum coverage of 30.000 euro and cover costs of any emergency medical treatment and repatriation for medical reasons as well as in case of death repatriation of the deceased. 医疗保险原件及复印件.签证申请人须出示,其拥有的保险 保额至少 3 万欧元,包含紧急医务治疗,紧急...
The insurance must have minimum coverage of 30.000 euro and cover costs of any 3 emergency medical treatment and repatriation for medical reasons as well as in case of death repatriation of the deceased. 旅行保险 须覆盖全部申根成员国,并覆盖全部停留时间,总保额三万欧元以上的申根境外保险 Original/...
The insurance must have minimum coverage of 30.000 euro and cover costs of 3 any emergency medical treatment and repatriation for medical reasons as well as in case of death repatriation of the deceased. 旅行保险 须覆盖全部申根成员国,并覆盖全部停留时间,总保额三万欧元以上的申根境外保险 Original ...
The insurance must have minimum coverage of 30.000 euro and cover costs of 3 any emergency medical treatment and repatriation for medical reasons as well as in case of death repatriation of the deceased. 旅行保险 须覆盖全部申根成员国,并覆盖全部停留时间,总保额三万欧元以上的申根境外保险 Original ...