网址:Codewars: Achieve mastery through coding challenge 7)Git-Game 这是一个基于终端的游戏,它用来教授 Git 中的那些非常酷的功能。 在学过了Git 的基本用法、设计原理、流程管理等这些知识之后,就可以通过这个专门设计的 Git 命令行的游戏,来检测你对 Git 的理解和运用到了什么程度。 游戏的主题内容是搜寻,...
CheckiO-coding game 1 1)定义一个函数,输入两个整数,然后输出两者的乘积。 SOLUTION 2)设置一个函数say_hi(Alex,15),直接会输出hi, I am Alex and I 'm 15 years old. 3)设置一个函数,只提取数组的 第一个 第三个 和倒数第二个数字,并且把提取后的数字组成一个数组。 3.1 3.2 用itemgetter这个函数...
#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-defcheckio(game_status):#判断3行row = [i[0]foriingame_statusifi[0]in'XO'andi.count(i[0]) == 3]ifrow:returnrow[0]#根据中心点判断center = game_status[1][1]ifcenterin'XO':if[center, game_status[0][2], game_status[2][0]].co...
My own solutions to various challenges on checkio platform. checkio checkio-python checkio-solutions Updated Feb 23, 2021 Python SerhiiMiroshnychenko / Checkio Star 0 Code Issues Pull requests In this repository, I share my solutions to Checkio tasks. CheckiO is the game for coders. ...
CheckiO:初学Python CheckiO:初学Python The end of other For language training our Robots want to learn about suffixes.In this task, you are given a set of words in lower case. Check whether there is a pair of words, such that one word is the end of another (a suffix of another). ...
CheckiOis a programming learning platform and a gamified website that teaches problem solving with Python. Its aim is to offer a safe environment to learn writing better code, for beginners and advanced programmers alike. Organized in a game format, CheckIO is very appealing to novice programmers...
CheckiOis a programming learning platform and a gamified website that teaches problem solving with Python. Its aim is to offer a safe environment to learn writing better code, for beginners and advanced programmers alike. Organized in a game format, CheckIO is very appealing to novice programmers...
How it is used: This mission will show you how to work the simplest sorting algorithms. It also models one of the game mechanics in the classic puzzle game "Tetris Attack".
更新(2010.11.6):<<Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0>>的第二版,《xxx, A Shader Approach》也可以找到了。 更新(2013.3.19): 《Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX xx》 此书的DX10和DX11版目前也很容易找到了
#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<cmath>#include<sstream>using namespace std;constdoublewucha=1E-6;//浮点除法有精度损失doublenum[4];bool flag;//标记是否胜利voidgame24(intn){if(n==1){if(fabs(num[0]-24)<=wucha){flag=1;return;}}if(flag)return;//找到满意的一组即可for(inti...