To change the temperature scale, update schedule, and more, tap>Settings. Your settings in theWeatherapp also control the weather information that is shown in theClockandCalendar. Was this information helpful? Thank you! Your feedback helps others to see the most helpful information. ...
Handling incoming calls in Car Customizing Car On the road with Car Using voice commands in Car Finding places in Car Exploring what's around you Playing music in Car Making phone calls in Car Using Scribble Using the Clock Checking Weather Recording voice clips Calls, Messages, and Contacts ... Consider that large CRLs can cause performance issues for certificate clients and domain controllers. For more information on what could cause large CRLs, see TechNet Wiki article Large CRLs: What is added to a Certificate Revocation...
Om jobbet överskrider avslutas maxWallClockTimejobbet med terminateReason egenskapen inställd MaxWallClockTimeExpiry på i JobExecutionInformation. JobPreparationTask. Du kan också ange en jobbförberedelseaktivitet som ska köras på varje beräkningsnod som är schemalagd att ...
Check how long you've been usingHTC One M9since the last charge. You can also see a chart that shows how long the screen has been on, and how long you've been using connections like the mobile network orWi-Fi. From theHomescreen, tap, and then find and tapSettings. ...
If you see theAdjust power usesection while viewing battery use details, you can tap the option underneath it to adjust settings that affect battery usage. Another way to check the battery usage per app is to go toSettings, and then tapApps. Tap the app you want to check, and then tap...
TapBattery usage, and then tap an item to check how it's using the battery. If you see theAdjust power use Another way to check the battery usage per app is to go to, and then tap. Tap the app you want to check, and then tapBattery. ...
Checking battery usage See how the system and apps are using the battery and how much power is being used. From theHomescreen, tap , and then find and tapSettings Another way to check the battery usage per app is to go to
To change the temperature scale, update schedule, and more, tap>Settings. Your settings in theWeatherapp also control the weather information that is shown in theClockandCalendar. Was this information helpful? YesNo Thank you! Your feedback helps others to see the most helpful information. ...
To add more cities, tap and then enter the location. To change the temperature scale, update schedule, and more, tap > Settings. Your settings in the Weather app also control the weather information that is shown in the Clock and Calendar. ...