Practically, there is often a trade-off between accuracy, cost, portability, speed, and ease-of-use including whether specialized training is required. Furthermore, there is generally a compromise in these same categories between portable and lab-based instruments using the same underlying principles...
Model checking [1,2,3] is a cornerstone in formal verification, prominently featuring model checking for Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and Computation Tree Logic (CTL). The automation inherent in model checking has facilitated its widespread adoption in the analysis and validation of software and ha...
2.5. Validation of the Mangrove Maps The accuracies of the annual mangrove maps and the change map were assessed separately using stratified random sampling. For annual mangrove maps, we evaluated the accuracy of maps in the first and last years (i.e., 1988 and 2022) to provide a comprehen...
As a result of this work, a model of the aging process of pH electrodes in tap water can be constructed and subsequently, the measurement accuracy in the periods between calibrations can be improved. Keywords: pH measurement; glass electrode; long-term stability; prediction; hysteresis; ...
Once a measure of statistical evidence is determined, an estimate of the quantity of interest is necessarily the value that maximizes the measure of evidence and the accuracy of the estimate can be assessed by looking at the size of the set of values that has evidence in their favor. The me...