Learn about the check-in/check-out system for students. Discover the purpose of check-in/check-out intervention and explore examples and procedures.
An automated check-in system (100) provides a key to a room in a lodging establishment. The check-in system (100) includes a key dispensing mechanism (140) configured to provide a key to the selected room, a payment acceptance module (160) configured to accept payment for the room and ...
Check-in & Check-out相关信息 --- 基本Check-in程序 问客人是否有预订 → 有预定的话,找出相应的预订,核对相关预订信息 → 请客人出事证件,抄R/C(如为 repeat guest需做调档处理,或者部分酒店会提前打印该类客人的R/C单,就直接用已打印好的R/C)并扫描证件 → 请客人在R/C上签字,收取押金,归...
在软件开发中,"check out"和"check in"是版本控制系统中常用的术语,用于管理代码的协同开发和版本管理。 "Check out"指的是将代码从版本控制系统的代码库中复制到个人的本地工作环境,以便进行修改和编辑。当你"check out"代码时,你可以在本地对代码进行更改,添加新功能或修复错误,而不会影响其他人对代码的工作。
check in和check out分别表示入住和退房。"Check in"指的是抵达旅馆、酒店、机场或其他住宿场所后进行登记手续,并获得房间或服务的过程。通常需要提供个人身份信息、预订确认或付款方式等。也可用于航空公司的登机手续办理。英: [/tʃek ɪn/] 美: [/tʃɛk ɪn/]...
Foodand Beverage Housekeeping FrontOffice Reservation Program1 Check-in&Check-out 项目二 登记入住 Warming-upActivities Taskprocedure&skill&knowledge Dialogue RolePlayPractice Task2(part1) Check-inServices 工作任务二入住登记服务 TaskObjectives任务目标 ...
FoodandBeverage Program1 Check-in&Check-out项目二登记入住 Warming-upActivitiesTaskprocedure&skill&knowledgeDialogueRolePlayPractice Task2(part1)Check-inServices 工作任务二入住登记服务 TaskObjectives任务目标 Afterlearning,youshouldbeableto:学完后,应该掌握:◆ checkinfortheguestwithreservations 为有预订的客人...
in Team System then checkout means “Tell the server I want to edit this file and mark that file as writeable in my file system”, at the same time that you check-out the file you also get an option to lock the file using one of three lock types (none, check-out and check-in)...
下面是对"check in"和"check out"这两个短语在释义、用法、使用环境、形象和影响范围上的区别分析,并附带例句: 1. 释义区别: - check in:指在酒店、机场等地登记入住或报到,完成相关手续。 - check out:指在酒店、机场等地办理退房手续,离开场所。 例句: - We arrived at the hotel and proceeded to chec...