You will not have much problem with audio streaming apps like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and so forth if you have at least1MbpsInternet speed. However, it’s good to have a higher speed so that you can quickly search for music, start streaming instantly, load album art, and ...
If it is, the chances are that there’s a problem with your internet. Step 2: Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to check whether these websites are down in other locations as well. If not, try reconfiguring your VPN. Step 3: If it’s not a VPN issue, check for (Hypertext ...
I recently got this EFI-check message ("Your computer has detected a potential problem"). Does this mean there's malware on my Mac? My 2017 Macbook Pro recently showed me this message, "Your computer has detected a potential problem", the same one mentioned in the referenced support articl...
choose whether you want it publicly known that you work for a certain company, whether you want to hide your relationship status from certain groups of your friends or whether you want everyone to have to ask for your phone number.
Testing your internet speed has never been easier thanks to a number of web services that exist primarily to do just that. But there are a ton of ways to do it and not all of them give you the same information. A site that only measures speed when your problem has to do with stabili...
Check out this episode on your favorite podcast platform, including: Apple Podcasts Spotify NerdWallet stories related to this episode: How to Set and Vet Money Goals Midyear How to Have a Fun Summer When Your Finances Fall Short Yes, You Can Balance Homebuyin...
Apple's removal of the iCloud Activation Lock status page last week was likely connected to hacks letting people bypass the Activation Lock system, a report noted on Monday.
and LTE connectivity also ensure this is one of the best laptops for on-the-go work, but underwhelming performance and niggling compatibility issues with certain apps mean this device can only be recommended if you're sticking to the basics and using well known apps such as Spotify and Net...
PageMenu - A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram) [⚠️已失去维护] MXSegmentedPager - 分页滚动,多个分页的pageController效果. ZJScrollPageView - 网易新闻, 腾讯视频, 头条 等首页的滑块视图联动的效果OC版的简...
PageMenu - A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram) [⚠️已失去维护] MXSegmentedPager - 分页滚动,多个分页的pageController效果. ZJScrollPageView - 网易新闻, 腾讯视频, 头条 等首页的滑块视图联动的效果OC版的简...