Here are free websites to check who unfollowed you on Instagram. These websites also let you view the list of your Instagram followers, following, etc.
If you can open the profile of the person who unfollowed you, it means he/she hasn’t blocked. But if you cannot find the profile, then there’s a high chance that the person blocked you or maybe deleted/deactivated his/her profile. These apps will start giving this data only once you...
Adding to the confusion surrounding this claim may be the relationship between James and Diddy. In May 2024, the athletereportedlyunfollowedDiddy on hiskingjamesInstagram account, a move that sparked rumors of tension between thetwo friends. The unfollowing happened shortly after leaked videos surface...
All the Twitter follower trackers that I’ve recommended above prove invaluable in checking who unfollowed you when your follower count is huge. However, you don’t need these tools if your follower count is in the hundreds. I would suggest you simply stick to the below methods if your foll...
That hurts, Zac. Your follow count is dropping fast, but who are the ones that are unfollowing you? Was it spammers who don’t matter or was it Scoble who grew tired of your tweets? With thefree Friend Check app, you can find out. ...