首先使用openssl version检测一下自己是否已经安装openssl 发现显示已经安装OpenSSL 首先记录下自己的版本号:3.0.2 使用gedit命令编辑build_chain.sh文件 将第239行的check_env(),其中第244行 [ ! -z "$(openssl version | grep 1.0.2)" ] || [ ! -z "$(openssl version | grep 1.1)" ] || { 这句...
2: How to Check the OpenSSL Version Using apt show openssl Command in Linux If the OpenSSL is installed in Linux through the APT package, you can check the version by using the package manager: apt show openssl 3: How to Check the OpenSSL Version Using openssl version -a Command in Linux...
输入"openssl version"命令: 在命令行终端中输入以下命令: bash openssl version 检查OpenSSL版本信息: 执行上述命令后,你应该会看到类似于以下的输出,显示你安装的OpenSSL的版本信息: text OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021 确保在安装和配置过程中没有遇到任何错误,这样你就能成功安装OpenSSL并检查其版本信息了。如...
OpenSSL has long-term releases that receive support and fixes for the next five years. The LTS version at the time this article was written is OpenSSL 3.0, and it will be supported until 7 September 2026. The frequency of updating your OpenSSL version depends on several factors: Security Upda...
openssl-1.0.1k-13.88.amzn1.x86_64 Can this be a problem ? Ali Gouta · 2015年12月26日 23:11 0 @gaurav sharma In the documentation, it is said that we should user OpenSSL (v1.01, build 16 or later). So I think you should upgrade your OpenSSL version. Actually, I am running open...
You can check the version of Apache in 3 ways- Using web host manager, cPanel and from shell. Get the version of apache via above easy steps.
openssl x509 -in mycert.pem -text -noout You will see a long output printed on your terminal describing various attributes of the certificate as: Version, Serial Number, Signature Algorithm, Issuer, Validity Status, etc. Similarly, you can use this command with a port with an SSL certificate...
openssl rsa -in server.key -check Check a CSR: Verify the CSR and print CSR data filled in when generating the CSR openssl req -text -noout -verify -in server.csr Verify a certificate and key matches These two commands print out md5 checksums of the certificate and key; the checksums ca...
One thing that does surprise me is the involvement of "certificate_transparency". It shouldn't be needed, and maybe going to an older version of openssl might help. Maybe @r_weber might help diagnosing this? Antonio Sousa 1 Kudo Reply jaysahota Dynatrace Enthusiast In response to andre_v...
text No false No true, false Toggles emission of x509 TLS certificates in an OpenSSL-inspired text format. This output is disabled by default. h, help No false No h, help Show Help text along with the list of supported flags. v, verbose No false No v, verbose Toggles emission of detai...