2)Lift Check Valves The stem, handwheel, and disk are removed from the globe valve and covered. The most common type is bore, which has a large fluid-resistance and is smaller. 3)Wafer Check Valves The body is wafer-shaped, making it much thinner and lighter than conventional shock-absorb...
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Check Valve ERK止回阀*** 德国TALIS/ERHARD阀门 更新时间:2024年04月12日 安全无小事,筑牢校园安全线 价格 ¥3.89万 起订量 10件起批 货源所属商家已经过真实性核验 发货地 上海 上海 数量 获取底价 查看电话 商家接听极速,可点击洽谈 在线咨询...
Bronze General Purpose 10K Swing Check Valve Flange from Kitz (Part Numbers). MISUMI offers free CAD downloads, short lead times, competitive pricing, and no minimum order quantity. Purchase Bronze General Purpose 10K Swing Check Valve Flange from Kitz,
产品特点: ·阀头和阀座:不锈钢 ·回座弹簧:不锈钢 ·精确导向阀头 >>产品导航 东功阀门 台湾十全阀门 台湾317阀门 台湾UNID电磁阀 台湾TL东隆阀门 台湾FUSAN富山阀门 台湾RING东光阀门 日本VENN阀天阀门 日本TOMOE巴蝶阀门 日本KITZ北泽阀门 日本TLV阀门 ...
止回阀:是一种具有保持流体流向为固定方向,防止倒流功能的阀门。KITZ凭借不锈钢自行铸造技术,采用独创的铸造方法成功地开发出了超级双相合金制(Super Duplex)阀门。 日本北泽KITZ有着相当全面的产品线,主要产品为球阀、蝶阀、闸阀、截止阀、止回阀、过滤器和执行机构等。 ......
Is it possible to use a swing type check valve in vertical piping. Is it possible to use a lift type check valve in vertical piping. Is there any restrictions on the installation posture of a wafer type check valve. Is it possible to use a vertical lift type check valve in horizontal ...