Usually, users who wish to find out whether the latest cumulative update is installed on their Windows 11/10 system use this method tocheck the Windows Update History. In this post, we will show youhow to get current patch information for Windows 11/10 using a PowerShell script. PowerShell...
However, in case you are looking for script to do checking, it is easier to do it with Windows PowerShell. You may open Windows PowerShell as administrator and then first import the Windows Update library with the following command: Install-Module PSWindowsUpdate The run ...
Set-CMTSStepRunPowerShellScript Set-CMTSStepRunTaskSequence Set-CMTSStepSetDynamicVariable Set-CMTSStepSetupWindowsAndConfigMgr Set-CMTSStepSetVariable Set-CMTSStepUpgradeOperatingSystem Set-CMUpdateGroupDeployment Set-CMUserDataAndProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMVpnProfileConfigurationItem Set-CMWdacSetting Set-CM...
Distribution group update based on AD attributes – PowerShell Monitor Windows Services status Remotely Export Reverse DNS PTR Records Schedule Task Monitor Script Monitor and alert Windows Services status Exchange 2010 Health Check Get Network Info from list of servers – DNS, IP, WINS Export Active...
How can we disable peer to peer Update with GPO How can you set Certificate Path Validation Settings by PowerShell or via InTune? How Come My Registry Cleaner Always Says there are Missing MUI refference when i use it How disable the feature task that clean access history registry files ?
可以使用 Cygwin 或者 Git Windows 最新版本。 如果使用 Git Windows,请确认安装powershell用于生成 uuid。请确认使用最新版本的curl(>=8.8.0) 以避免遇到段错误。 OpenWRT opkg update opkg install grep 特性 纯bash shell 实现的流媒体检测功能,可免 ROOT 执行,支持多个平台。可用于批量测试多个地区的流媒体网站...
For a given update I think you'd also need to look at Update History. You could also consider viewing the Windows Update log: Windows Update logs are now generated using ETW (Event Tracing for Windows). Please run the Get-WindowsUpdateLog PowerShell command to convert ETW traces i...
PowerShellFile PowerShellInteractiveWindow PowerSupply PrecedenceConstraint PredictFunction PredictQueryBuilder PreserveCase PreviewAnimatedTransition PreviewCode PreviewSideBySide Önizleme Sekmesi Önceki PreviousBookmark PreviousBookmarkInFile PreviousBookmarkInFolder PreviousError PreviousFrame PrimaryKeyError Pri...
我们可以直接在一个PowerShell命令行控制台中运行该脚本: PS C:\Temp\> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force PS C:\Temp\> . .\Invoke-PrivescCheck.ps1; Invoke-PrivescCheck 该工具在显示输出数据的同时,会将它们写入到一个日志文件中: ...
CheckPowerState資料類型:Boolean存取類型:讀取/寫入限定 符: [VariableName("OSDCheckPowerState")]啟用或停用檢查裝置是否已插入 AC 電源,而不是使用電池。 預設值為 false。CheckProcessorSpeed資料類型:Boolean存取類型:讀取/寫入限定 符: [VariableName("OSDCheckProcessorSpeed"), Not_Null]...