t to share the prototype of a new typing test website. As opposed to typical speed test websites where you see text and type it in a text field, Monkeytype lets users directly look at the words and type at the same place. Needless to say, the...
Launch an installed app using its package name adb shell monkey -p com.yourapp.packagename 1 Stress test your app using its package name by sending a pseudo-random stream of user events into the system adb shell monkey -p com.yourapp.packagename -v 500Learn...
Website Speed Very Fast SSL certificate valid valid SSL type Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL) SSL issuer Google Trust Services WHOIS registration date 2005-05-16 WHOIS last update date 2024-04-15 WHOIS renew date 2027-05-16 ...
$1" # Launch your debug apk on your connected device # Execute at the root of your android project # Usage: launchDebugApk alias launchDebugApk="adb shell monkey -p `aapt dump badging ./app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk | grep -e 'package: name' | cut -d \' -f 2` 1...
Arashiyama Monkey Park 7.9 km Nearby landmarks Terasu Yoga Studio 100 m Katayama Bunzaburo Shoten Kyoto Honten 150 m Laque, Shijokarasuma 180 m UFJ Bank 200 m Nishikikoji Dori Street 200 m Satsuma Yashiki no Ato 220 m Chohoji Temple
Check L Speed - 检查模组2. L Speed WIZARD - 模组设定3. CHANGELOG - 更新记录4. Uninstall L Speed - 解除安装模组5. Rebot device NOW - 重新启动直接在终端机输入 2 将进入模组设定... 分享57赞 口袋改版资源吧 大咸鱼王 转载PC Pokémon Chronicles - Version 18The apps will be given through ...
Monkey - Monkey是一个GitHub第三方iOS客户端,主要是用来展示GitHub上的开发者的排名,以及仓库的排名. react-native-gitfeed - 一个React Native写的Github客户端,支持iOS和Android. githot - GitHot是一个Android App,用来发现世界上最流行的项目和人. CodeHub - CodeHub是C#写的,它是iOS设备上最好的GitHub仓库...
Monkey - Monkey是一个GitHub第三方iOS客户端,主要是用来展示GitHub上的开发者的排名,以及仓库的排名. react-native-gitfeed - 一个React Native写的Github客户端,支持iOS和Android. githot - GitHot是一个Android App,用来发现世界上最流行的项目和人. CodeHub - CodeHub是C#写的,它是iOS设备上最好的GitHub仓库...
Monkey - Monkey是一个GitHub第三方iOS客户端,主要是用来展示GitHub上的开发者的排名,以及仓库的排名. react-native-gitfeed - 一个React Native写的Github客户端,支持iOS和Android. githot - GitHot是一个Android App,用来发现世界上最流行的项目和人. CodeHub - CodeHub是C#写的,它是iOS设备上最好的GitHub仓库...