So, you have a long string and you want to check of this string contains a substring in your bash script. There are more than one way to check for substrings in bash shell. I'll show some simple examples first, followed by a cool bash script that uses this concept in a real-world ...
One of the most common operations when working with strings in Bash is to determine whether or not a string contains another string. In this article, we will show you several ways to check if a string contains a substring.Using Wildcards The easiest approach is to surround the substring ...
我在Bash 中有一个字符串: string="My string" 如何测试它是否包含另一个字符串? if [ $string ?? 'foo' ]; then echo "It's there!" fi 哪里??是我未知的运营商。我使用 echo 和grep吗? if echo "$string" | grep 'foo'; then echo "It's there!" fi ...
HSP中不能通过getContext(this).resourceManager.getStringValue($r('app.string.test_string').id)的方式获取资源会报错,应该如何实现 UIAbility和UIExtensionAbility有什么区别?分别推荐在什么场景使用 UIAbility/Page/Component之间的关系?如何搭配使用 关于emitter、eventHub的使用场景 如何禁用窗口的全屏显示功能...
How do I enable multi-level subthreads in Worker? How do I obtain the context of TaskPool and Worker? NDK NDK Development What should I do if a performance dip occurs while obtaining the length of the string passed from ArkTS on the native side? What should I do if the string...
Bash shell检查字符串是否包含子字符串 在Bash中使用字符串时,最常见的操作之一是确定一个字符串是否包含另一个字符串。 分别是使用通配符检查是否包含字符串。使用case运算符,使用正则表达式匹配字符串,使用Grep匹配字符串。 最简单的方法就是在子字符串使用星号*围绕,并与输入的字符串比较。*通配符是用于表示零个,...
The third form of match string (supported in NHC versions 1.2.2 and later) is node range expressions similar to those used by pdsh, Warewulf, and other open source HPC tools. (Please note that not all expressions supported by other tools will work in NHC due to limitations in bash.) ...
[file readDataToEndOfFile]; NSString *result = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog(result); NSString *string = result; NSString *substring = @"Caddy 2 serving static files on :2015"; if ([string rangeOfString:substring].location != NSNotFound) {...
检查字符串是否包含子字符串是Bash脚本中最基本且最常用的操作之一。阅读本教程后,您应该对如何测试一个字符串是否包含另一个字符串有很好的了解。 您也可以使用其他命令,例如awk或sed进行测试。如果您有任何问题或反馈,请随时发表评论。 linuxstringsubstring字符串 ...
The third form of match string (supported in NHC versions 1.2.2 and later) is node range expressions similar to those used by pdsh, Warewulf, and other open source HPC tools. (Please note that not all expressions supported by other tools will work in NHC due to limitations in bash.) ...