index.js console.log(new Set([1, 1, 1])); // 👉️ { 1 } The size property of the Set allows us to get the number of values stored in the Set. If the number of values in the Set is equal to 1, then all of the values in the array are equal or the array only contai...
function checkInArr(arr, value) { return arr.some(item => item === value || String(item) === String(value)); } 总结 checkInArr 函数是一个实用的工具,用于在JavaScript中检查元素是否存在于数组中。通过理解其基础概念、实现方式、优势和应用场景,以及可能遇到的问题和解决方法,你可以更有效地使用这...
password(string): the user password options(array — optional): an option to override the default complexity required to match your password policy. See below. restrictSymbolsTo(string — optional): By default, thepasswordStrengthfunction checks against all characters except for the 26 Latin lowercas...
/**@paramname The name of the dependency.@paramsemver A parsed Semver array of the upgraded version.(See: if the package should be included, false if it should be excluded.*/filterFunction:(name...
OldCidrBlocks.NNoArray of StringLoad CIDR blocks to delete. CIDR block set; Format: e.g. ["", ""] 3. Output Parameters Parameter NameTypeDescription ConflictSourceSetArray ofConflictSourceArray of conflict resources. ...
The benchmarks can be found in the/benchdirectory. They are separated into two categories: basic– compares an object comprised ofString,Number,Date,Array, andObjectvalues. complex– likebasic, but addsRegExp,Map,Set, andUint8Arrayvalues. ...
/**@param name The name of the dependency.@param semver A parsed Semver array of the current version.(See: True if the package should be included, false if it should be excluded.*/filterFunction:(...
}varerrorArray = errorString.split('||');varruleArray =[];for(vari =0, j = validArray.length; i < j; i++){ ruleArray.push({ funTitle:validArray[i], errorMsg:errorArray[i] }); }returnself.validataResult(el,ruleArray);
ToDateTime(string)" Am I missing something? Ambiguous match found when calling method with same name different parameter in unit testing an array of inherited classes An error "#endregion directive expected" in UIMap.cs when trying to build my CodedUI tests An error occurred during the ...
* @type {(string | boolean)} */ let var3; /** * 声明元素类型是数字的数组 - 方式1 * @type {number[]} */ let var4; /** * 声明元素类型是数字的数组 - 方式2 * @type {Array.<number>} */ let var5; /** * 声明元素类型是数字的数组 - 方式3 ...