“If your income has recently dropped, you may appeal to the SSA for a lower premium. The IRS may be providing the SSA with older data that needs to be updated,” said James B. Twining, CFP, founder, and CEO of Financial Plan Inc. The hold-harmless provision also protects beneficia...
The NAACP is not without controversy as The Internal Revenue Service has also reviewed their tax-exempt status after Conservatives criticized the NAACP tax-exempt status and its assertion of being apolitical. The Washington Post reported that “the IRS said the group, the nation’s oldest and larg...
In 2020, the Chicago Reader received 501(c)3 nonprofit status from the IRS for its Reader Institute for Community Journalism. Advertising and paid subscriptions generate revenue. Analysis / Bias In review, the Chicago Reader reports on cultural and political news for the greater Chicago metro area...
If you have single filing status and your combined income is between $25,000 and $34,000, 50 percent of your Social Security benefits may be taxed. If you have single filing status and your combined income is greater than $34,000, the IRS may tax as much ...
Know Your Rights You have the right to be informed, and also the right to appeal any IRS decisions in an independent forum. Have other questions about your rights as a taxpayer? Visitwww.irs.gov/taxpayer-bill-of-rights.
Somewhere in the bowels of Infernal Revenue Service headquarters in Washington, a computer is silently running day and night. It's chomping bits of data from millions of tax returns, looking for hapless people who fit the DIF, or Discriminant Income Function profile. Or it might check your...
There is the use of loaded emotional language in both the headlines and articles itself, such as this: House Dems Issue New Threat to IRS Over Trump’s Tax Returns. This story lists the author’s name and is sourced properly to The Hill. In general, The Conservative Opinion sources ...
Until 2011, CAIR was a non-profit; however, in 2011, itlost its nonprofit status. According to research byPolitico, “A CAIR attorney initially told POLITICO that its appearance on the IRS list referred to a defunct arm of the nonprofit and that CAIR and CAIR foundation were unaffected — ...
Jim DeMint is the current Chairman, and Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, is a Senior Partner. Read our profile on the United States government and media. Funded by / Ownership The Conservative Partnership Institute, Inc. is an IRS-approved section 501(c)(3) public char...
“Jeanne Shaheen was principally involved in a plot with Lois Lerner and President Barack Obama’s political appointee at the IRS to lead a program of harassment against conservative nonprofit groups during the 2012 election”–FALSE George Soros-controlled Smartmatic manufactures the voting machines use...