combat power field combat service suppor combat simulation combat status combat trail combat v combating combatter absorption combattre rt combed and preshrunk combination analysis combination fishing v combination glucose-i combination logging combination nova combination of tests combination sharpenin combinat...
Any pro-active steps you can taketocheck your account’scurrent document status may ease progress on any future distribution or redemption payments. 為保障閣下的投資及本公司,請與我們合作,配合任何有關閣下帳 戶的請求。若閣下能主動檢閱帳戶目前的文件狀況,這將有助增快將來派...
The Richard DeShantz Restaurant Group, with member restaurants Gi-Jin, Tako, Golden Gai, and more, is offering a membership club for 2025 on Black Friday. The aptly namedGold ClubandBlack Clubis one part pre-loaded gift card (funds are available on the card to use next year) and one pa...
{ "id": "<id>", "status": 8, "kind": "kkt", "createdAt": "2020-08-14T10:15:10+03:00", "statusDescription": {}, "qr": "<данныеиз QR-кода>", "operation": { "date": "2019-07-26T04:41:00+03:00", "type": 1, "sum": 8080 }, "process": [], "...
[...] Administration was requested to confirm whether there was any provision in the Bill which would give effect to the statement in paragraph 15 of the paper that “the case of the Indemnity Fund (IF) having to borrow money to cover a payment for which the Land Registry is liable will...
departmentwillcalculatethecharges required,checkifthe account has sufficient balance for the payment of the chargesandinform the customer of the amount of charges. 當接到客戶索取統計資料的要求後,本處會計算所需費用及核對客戶的戶口是否有足夠存款支付。
Second Reading of: "A Bill to grant a franchise for the design, construction and operation of a tunnel and associated roads linking Ting Kau to Au Tau; to provide for the maintenance of the works within the area subject to the franchise, the payment of tolls to the franchise holder for ...