information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS WHERE constraint_schema=<'db_name'>AND table_name=<'table_name'>; SELECT*FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE constraint_schema=<'db_name'>AND table_name=<'table_name'>AND referenced_table_name IS NOT NULL; 可以使用以下命令来删除外键: ALTER ...
In the above query, we have listed all tablespaces available in our schema and the contents column, which have the value of three (undo, permanent or temporary). You can refer to the oracle database referencehereto see the above table columns’ complete list with each description. Check Table...
Nested Schema : checkInDocuments-item-response Type: object Show Source AssignmentId: integer (int64) System-generated identifier of the job assignment of the worker in a check-in document. AssignmentNumber: string Title: Assignment Number Maximum Length: 30 Unique assignment identifier of the ...
schema_history_expire_time schema_history_recycle_interval server_balance_cpu_mem_tolerance_percent server_balance_critical_disk_waterlevel server_balance_disk_tolerance_percent server_check_interval server_cpu_quota_max server_cpu_quota_min server_data_copy_in_concurrency server_data_copy_out_concurrency...
exachk –cmupgrade If the Oracle Health Check Collections Manager schema changes in the future and Oracle Autonomous Health Framework requires an Oracle Health Check Collections Manager upgrade, then the tool automatically prompts you to upgrade. ...
OE这个Sample Schema下的多个索引居然和SYS用户的一些索引的DATA_OBJECT_ID重号; 我们不可能去改动SYS下的对象,而OE这个Schema则无关紧要,删除这些OE下的问题索引: SQL> drop index oe.WHS_LOCATION_IX; Index dropped. SQL> drop index oe.ORD_CUSTOMER_IX; ...
select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as "Index Size (MB)" from user_segments where segment_name='&INDEX_NAME'; Conclusion: After reading this post you will be able to check index on a table and index size in Oracle. You can also find index column in Oracle all other details from the above ...
Oracle RMAN 的 show,list,crosscheck,delete命令整理 1、SHOW命令: 显示rman配置: RMAN> show all; 2、REPORT命令: 2.1、RMAN> report schema 报告目标数据库的物理结构; 2.2、RMAN>report need backup days=3; 报告最近3天没有被备份的数据文件;
SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access: CREATE TABLE Persons ( P_Id int NOT NULL CHECK (P_Id>0), LastName varchar(255) NOT NULL, FirstName varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255) ) 如需命名 CHECK 约束,并定义多个列的 CHECK 约束,请使用下面的 SQL 语法: ...
rootservice_async_task_queue_size rootservice_async_task_thread_count rootservice_list rootservice_memory_limit rootservice_ready_check_interval row_compaction_update_limit rpc_port rpc_timeout schema_history_expire_time schema_history_recycle_interval server_balance_cpu_mem_tolerance_percent server_bala...