It could be due to the firewall blocking the port. As you know, all the applications require access to certain ports, and when the firewall blocks those ports, the applications will not function properly and will not be able to communicate with the network. And if you are having trouble ...
PORT: The port number and protocol (TCP or UDP). STATE: Tells you if the port is open, closed, or filtered (blocked by a firewall). SERVICE: The common name of the service using the port. Why nmap is Useful: nmapis great if you want a complete view of all open ports on your s...
但请注意,一些基于Debian的系统可能默认不使用iptables服务,而是使用ufw(Uncomplicated Firewall)或其他工具。 对于使用ufw的系统(如Ubuntu): bash sudo ufw status 这将显示ufw的状态,包括是否启用以及规则列表。 根据输出解读防火墙状态: 根据上一步骤中的命令输出,你可以判断防火墙是否已开启。如果防火墙已开启,你...
Therefore, if there are no special security requirements, it is recommended to stop the firewall of the target machine. Otherwise, refer to the port usage and add the needed port information to the allowlist of the firewall service. The rest of this section describes how to stop the fire...
The IP address where the service is installed, if it has access to the Internet? or does it have any blocking by a firewall? Previously I left the IP where the Documentserver is installed without internet access. And the same thing happened to me, now I always leave it with an Internet...
We provide the Debian and Ubuntu apt commands in this procedure. If you use a system with a different package manager, then you will have to use different commands. #. Install curl: apt install curl #. Install package dependencies by running the script: ./
Checking the Firewall By default PostgreSQL runs on port5432and is not restricted by host name. When installing PostgreSQL on Ubuntu, usually a firewall rule will be created automatically allowing access to the database server. You can confirm this by running thenmapcommand: ...
This application communicates with Duo's service on SSL TCP port 443. Firewall configurations that restrict outbound access to Duo's service with rules using destination IP addresses or IP address ranges aren't recommended, since these may change over time to maintain our service's high availabi...
**OS version: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS ** **Error message: no error message just wrong values ** Problem Description: on two Windows Machines (out of 46) I get wrong filesystem check values. On checkmk (monitoring host) summary of the affected service tells “63.77 of 69.45 GB” so it’s a...
Ubuntu 18.04.06 LTS I have a windows server that writes logs files and creates a new one daily with the date of that day as name, I would like to monitor that log file for errors I’ve found a video tutorial explaining how to set it up from CheckMK (Episode 22: Monitoring logfiles...