进入到pip的解压目录,执行python install进行安装,安装完成之后出现finished说明安装成功 执行pip命令的提示找不到这个命令,需要将pip的安装路径加入到环境变量中,路径一般为python所在目录的Scripts目录中 7下图是环境变量添加成功之后,执行pip list成功,现在pip已经安装成...
pip freeze > requirements.txt 1. OK,requirements.txt没有问题了 接下来尝试打包 PS F:\Archives_2\full_code_reuse_group\myz_tools> python check error in myz_tools setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifie...
there is something else causing pip to not see the installed packages. I think my issue occurs when the latest versions aren't aligned between pypi and conda-forge. So pip would still install pypi's latest version, despite the existing version from conda-forge being the latest available from ...
PS F:\Archives_2\full_code_reuse_group\myz_tools> python check error in myz_tools setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers; Parse error at "'\x00e\x00a\x00u\x00t'": Expected stringEnd 还是报错...
File "e:\pycode\env01\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\cli\", line 203, in wrapper return func(self, options, args) File "e:\pycode\env01\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\commands\", line 315, in run requirement_set = resolver.resolve( ...
pip3 install -U checkov or with Homebrew brew upgrade checkov Configure an input folder or file checkov --directory /user/path/to/iac/code Or a specific file or files checkov --file /user/tf/ Or checkov -f /user/cloudformation/example1.yml -f /user/cloudformation/example2....
pip install parcheck 9 其他 项目地址: 目前项目完成初版,项目文档见项目docs目录,更多使用例子见bin目录中的example相关文件 欢迎使用 版本初次发布,肯定有不足和需要完善的点,欢迎提问题 之前没有找到类似的方便的工具,所以开个头,欢迎一起参与贡献代码和完善功能 ...
pip install 出现Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
apt-get install zeek -y elif [[ $1 == "node" ]]; then curl -sL | bash apt-get install -y nodejs elif [[ $1 == "dig" ]]; then apt-get install -y dnsutils elif [[ $1 == "pip" ]]; then ...
pip\_internal\cli\", line 203, in wrapper return func(self, options, args) File "e:\pycode\env01\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\commands\", line 315, in run requirement_set = resolver.resolve( File "e:\pycode\env01\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\resolution\...