This post shows students and new users steps to find out the version of PHP running on their system or install a specific PHP version on Ubuntu Linux. For users who want to know what version of PHP is running on their server, the steps below will show them how. For those who also wan...
Check PHP Version by Running PHP Code The simplest method to determine the PHP version on your website is to execute a PHP file with a code that prints the program version. Follow the steps in the sections below. Step 1: Create PHP File To determine the PHP version on your website, st...
./configure的时时候要的都是头文件,函数库。一般这样的文件都在dev里。所以你 sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev 而不是 sudo apt-get install libxml2
I have an application running on Php 8.1 + Laravel 9.2 + Swoole 4.8. Some requests finished with HTTP 408 sometimes. Then when I looked at the log file, I saw the following error.[2022-07-29 08:59:52 $28.0] WARNING Server::check_worker_exit_status(): worker(pid=49, id=4) abnorma...
安装php时候,在configure后,又出现错误提示:error:xml2-config not found.Please check your libxml2 installation.我又在网上搜了到了解决方法: 与编译MySQL时相同,这是由于系统缺少PHP所需的库文件导致的,根据提示,进行如下操作: 这里需要安装的是libxml2-dev软件包(该软件为Ubuntu-Server自带的,需要使用Ubuntu-...
平台:阿里云 系统:Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-52-generic x86_64) 问题:安装phpmyadmin后,打开http://ip/phpmyadmin报错:The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration. 解决办法: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php7.* ...
user_status - EXTRA_FILE - img/user-status-dnd.svg - img/user-status-away.svg - img/user-status-invisible.svg - img/user-status-online.svg - circles - EXTRA_FILE - - l10n/si.json - l10n/si.js - screenshots/contacts_backend.png - screenshots/0.12.0.png - files_...
2.在centos7.6环境下部署web-check网站分析工具。 2.3 Yarn介绍 Yarn是一个JavaScript包管理工具,由Facebook开发,旨在提高包的下载速度和稳定性。它可以替代NPM进行包的安装、更新、卸载等操作。 三、检查本地环境 3.1 检查本地操作系统版本 检查本地操作系统版本,当前版本为Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS。
1. Find theServer Statuscategory on theWHMside menu. 2. Click the category name to expand it. 3. Choose theApache Statusfeature. 4. Look for theServer Versionline in the new window. Another option is to typeapachein the search box above the side menu. ...
Check_MK Install [root@aa-test-02 media]# yum install httpd gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-devel php [root@aa-test-02 nagiso centos 6.3 check_MK 原创 xiaoyun222 2013-03-26 09:53:03 1072阅读 安装文件check_mk linux agent安装 时间紧张,先记一笔,后续优化与完善。和后面的check_mk安装...