微软PC Health Check电脑健康状况检查是微软官方发布的检测是否满足升级win11工具,近段时间微软举行了下一代 Windows系统,命名为11,很多人都想升级自己的系统,官方就此就发布了这款工具,看你的系统是不是满足升级的条件。 软件说明 微软本周发布了 Windows 11,但并不是所有的 PC 都支持。但只需安装微软提供的 PC...
The PC Health Check app, released along with Windows 11, mainly helps users to check if their computers meet the minimum requirements of installing Windows 11. It also contains some other Windows PC health check features. This post mainly introduces where and how to download PC Health Check for...
PC Health Check最新版是一款专门进行对电脑系统方面的检查软件,能够带给用户对系统反面的安全问题,也能进行后台的安全检查以及监视,非常的好用,并且它的兼容能力也是非常强大的。 PC Health Check最新版介绍 它整体的使用范围广,能够进行多端的操作,对于信息同步以及备份操作。不断的进行对内部的系统方面升级,也是大...
根据微软说明,PC Health Check App的作用是检查Windows 10 PC软、硬件规格,是否满足升级Windows 11的最小限制。此外还有跨设备的备份、同步功能、检查Windows 10最新版、查看电池与存储容量、以及管理开机时间等功能。 微软提醒,打开PC Health Check App后,它会自动安装重要的App更新,且用户无法关闭自动更新。 微软表示...
PC Health Check app brings you up to date info on your Windows device health, helping you take action to improve your device performance and troubleshoot performance problems. It is periodically updated based on customer feedback to help you make the most of your ...
PC Health Check 2.3是一款能够进行不定时的内部检查效果,有着非常强劲的检查性能,能够带给电脑环境方面,非常安全的范围,提供相关用户信息网上的隐私效果,整体上的使用效果是非常棒的。 PC Health Check 2.3介绍 对于安全方面是极其肯定的,能够带给用户整体上的安全氛围。在用户使用该软件进行检查时,都是很好的兼容。
If a PC Health Check update is available, you can quickly install it for the latest version. If you don't have PC Health Check installed, you can install it by going tohttps://aka.ms/GetPCHealthCheckAppand following the prompts to download and in...
PC Health Check app brings you up to date info on your Windows device health, helping you take action to improve your device performance and troubleshoot performance problems. It is periodically updated based on customer feedback to help you make the most of your Windows PC...
If a PC Health Check update is available, you can quickly install it for the latest version. If you don't have PC Health Check installed, you can install it by going tohttps://aka.ms/GetPCHealthCheckAppand following the prompts to download and install the app. ...
If a PC Health Check update is available, you can quickly install it for the latest version. If you don't have PC Health Check installed, you can install it by going tohttps://aka.ms/GetPCHealthCheckAppand following the prompts to download and install the app. ...