Set-CMDeviceOwnership Set-CMDeviceVariable Set-CMDiscoveryMethod Set-CMDistributionPoint Set-CMDistributionPointGroup Set-CMDriver Set-CMDriverBootImage Set-CMDriverPackage Set-CMEmailNotificationComponent Set-CMEmailProfile Set-CMEndpointProtectionPoint Set-CMEndpointProtectionSummarizationSchedule Set-CMEnrollme...
DomainsTransferOutResponse DomainsUpdateOptionalParams DomainsUpdateOwnershipIdentifierOptionalParams DomainsUpdateOwnershipIdentifierResponse DomainsUpdateResponse DomainType EnabledConfig EndpointDependency EndpointDetail EnterpriseGradeCdnStatus EnvironmentVar EnvironmentVariable ErrorEntity ErrorInfo ErrorProperties ErrorResponse...
You will be notified via e-mail and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of your personal information, as well as any choices you may have regarding your personal information. The categories of the personal data that we disclosed for the bsiness purposes...
DomainsTransferOut400Response DomainsTransferOutdefaultResponse DomainsTransferOutParameters DomainsUpdate200Response DomainsUpdate202Response DomainsUpdateBodyParam DomainsUpdatedefaultResponse DomainsUpdateMediaTypesParam DomainsUpdateOwnershipIdentifier200Response DomainsUpdateOwnershipIdentifierBodyParam DomainsUpdateOwnershipI...
DomainsTransferOut DomainsTransferOut200Response DomainsTransferOut400Response DomainsTransferOutdefaultResponse DomainsTransferOutParameters DomainsUpdate200Response DomainsUpdate202Response DomainsUpdateBodyParam DomainsUpdatedefaultResponse DomainsUpdateMediaTypesParam DomainsUpdateOwnershipIdentifier200Response Domains...
For the purposes of this definition, “control” means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of ...
DescribeAutomationAgentStatus DeleteInvoker DeleteCommand CreateInvoker CreateCommand CancelInvocation Region APIs DescribeRegions Data Types Error Codes Introduction Edge Computing Machine API Category Making API Requests Request Structure Common Params Signature Responses Signature v3 History VPC APIs ModifyVpcAttribu...
DescribeAutomationAgentStatus DeleteInvoker DeleteCommand CreateInvoker CreateCommand CancelInvocation Region APIs DescribeRegions Data Types Error Codes Introduction Edge Computing Machine API Category Making API Requests Request Structure Common Params Signature Responses Signature v3 History VPC APIs ModifyVpcAttribu...
• Payment of Property Ownership Transfer Tax Letter • Single Invoice • Road Tax Stamp ... 更多 新內容 版本紀錄 版本2.5.8 GDT CHECK & TRACK APP has been enhanced to be convenient for taxpayers.App 隱私權 查看詳細資訊 開發者「General Department of Taxation」指出 App 的隱私權實務...
Transfer Check transfers only the ownership of the guest check; it does not transfer sales. Add Check means to combine two checks together while in a transaction. Does anyone know of a way to pass the property and THE SALES?? Not open for further replies. Similar threads G Locked ...