There are cases where you need to upgrade the Python version on your system. Maybe, your project requires a specific version or you wish to install a new Python version on your system. Since the process of installing a new Python version is different on every OS, we will cover the three ...
$ nix run github:D3vil0p3r/nixpkgs/patch-8#unix-privesc-check -- standard Assuming the OS is: linux which: no file in (/run/wrappers/bin:/home/sebastian/.nix-profile/bin:/nix/profile/bin:/home/sebastian/.local/state/nix/profile/bin:/etc/profiles/per-user/sebastian/bin:/nix/var/nix...
Code Issues Pull requests Linux-based distro that lets you install checkra1n, odysseyra1n and Project Sandcastle. linux debian jailbreak iso os checkra1n odysseyra1n Updated Oct 9, 2022 Shell 82Flex / DCRM Star 249 Code Issues Pull requests Darwin Cydia Repo Manager - v4 redesigned in Dj...
如何在HarmonyOS 2in1设备上查看MAC地址 如何通过hdc命令清除手机中应用的缓存 如何通过hdc命令唤醒设备和查看屏幕状态 是否支持通过HDC命令安装.app文件 如何通过HDC命令清除应用数据 使用hdc install xxx.hap安装HAP,报“9568305: dependent module does not exist”的错误 如何导出应用崩溃日志 如何选择收集...
在Linux系统上,"check"三态按钮失效可能由多种原因引起。以下是一些基础概念、可能的原因、解决方案以及相关的应用场景。 ### 基础概念 "Check"三态按钮通常用于图形用户界面(GUI)...
[[ -f /etc/nixos/configuration.nix ]] || echo "Have you tried NixOS?" This script is checking the following things: If you have a$HOMEdirectory If you have a~/.zshrcfile If you have a~/.config/nvimdirectory If you have a/etc/nixos/configuration.nixfile ...
Check if a Directory Exists in Bash To check if adirectoryexists, switch the-foption on thetestcommand with-d(for directory). For example: test -d /tmp/test echo $? The output is1, which means that the directory doesn't exist. Create the directory using themkdir commandand rerun the ...
Theneofetchutility is a Bashscriptand a more modern version ofscreenfetch. To installneofetch, run the following: sudo apt install neofetch Run the command: neofetch The OS section displays the Ubuntu version. Check Ubuntu Version via the Graphical Interface ...
Bash Copy 3.1.424 [/home/user/dotnet/sdk] 5.0.100 [/home/user/dotnet/sdk] 6.0.402 [/home/user/dotnet/sdk] 7.0.404 [/home/user/dotnet/sdk] 8.0.100 [/home/user/dotnet/sdk] Check runtime versions You can see which versions of the .NET runtime are currently installed with the ...
if [[ $(cat /etc/os-release | grep -e "ID_LIKE=\"\?debian" -e "ID=debian") ]]; then echo -e "\e[92m [✔] Debian-like operating system\e[39m" else echo -e "$error" exit 1 fi else echo -e "$error" exit 1 ...