首先,你需要使用Oracle客户端工具(如SQLPlus、SQL Developer或其他第三方工具)连接到你的Oracle数据库。这里以SQLPlus为例: bash sqlplus username/password@database 将username、password和database替换为你的实际用户名、密码和数据库连接字符串。 执行SQL查询以检查表空间信息: 连接到数据库后,你可以执行以下SQL查询...
How to get tablespace quota details of an user in oracle How to monitor parallel queries in oracle db Find pending distributed pending transactions in oracle How to find execution history of an sql_id Script to get cpu usage and wait event information in oracle database How to find cpu and ...
group by tablespace_name) t, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) free_bytes from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) f where t.tablespace_name = f.tablespace.name and t.tablespace_name in ('XXXXTablespaceName‘) order by t.tablespace_name;...
I am using the query bellow to check the usage of tablespaces in my oracle DBs: select t.tablespace_name, t.size_mb, f.free_mb, round((f.free_mb*100)/t.size_mb,2) percent_free from (select tablespace_name, round(sum(bytes)/1024/1024,2) size_mb from dba_data_files group by t...
Method 2: Check Tablespace Size in Oracle Using Command To run a query for checking the tablespace size, open the “SQL Worksheet” by clicking on its icon: As a result, a new tab will open. Then, type this query to get the details, such as total space, used space (Size), and rem...
Oracle check TBS usage select d.tablespace_name, space||'M' "SUM_SPACE(M")", blocks "SUM_BLOCKS", space - nvl(free_space, 0) || ‘M’ “USED_SPACE(M)", round((1-nvl(free_space, 0)/space) * 100 , 2)|| '%' "USED_RATE(%)",...
在Nagios Plugins中有一个用于实现对Oracle数据库进行监控的脚本,叫做check_oracle,位于Nagios安装路径下的libexec目录中。 check_oracle脚本可以监控Oracle数据库的cache、tns、tablespace等信息,但是通过“--tablespace”选项监控表空间时,我们发现这个脚本不能监控临时表空间。仔细查看该脚本,发现其中的确没有对临时表空间...
select '三、检查Oracle相关资源的使用情况' from dual; set heading off select '1、查看表空间的使用情况' from dual; set heading on set linesize 1000 SELECT UPPER(F.TABLESPACE_NAME) "tablespace_name", D.TOT_GROOTTE_MB "tablesapce_size(M)", ...
If you see that collection process is failed due to lack of space in Oracle Application Express tablespace and application schema tablespace, then increase the tablespace sizes as much as needed.Parent topic: Oracle Health Check Collections Manager for Oracle Application Express ...
REM Thisscript is for use mainly under the guidance of Oracle Support. --这里注意的是对locallymanaged tablespace 不检测。 关于表空间类型这块,可以参考: Oracle 自动段空间管理(ASSM:autosegment space management) REM Notes: REM Mustbe installed in SYS schema ...