It appears that the police now have a device that can read license plates and check if a car is unregistered, uninsured or stolen. We already know that National Security Agency can dip into your Facebook page and Google searches. And it seems that almost every store we go into these days...
Camera targets wanted drivers ; Oxford police system to read license plates, check for warrants, unpaid fines.Richard Wilson Staff Writer
” The satire found on this website is not very political, but rather focuses on the silly and comedic, such as this:License plates replaced with Facebook profile names.
Drivers will face revoked drivers licenses in Hawaii if operating their vehicles under the influence of an intoxicant (OVUII). Your driving license suspension or revocation depends on the type of offense you have committed, on the legal BAC level and your age at the time of conviction....
and they are used primarily to keep the people of Oceania, where Smith lives, in a constant state of fear, thereby making disagreement unthinkable — or punishable. Today we have the so-called war on terror, with no end in sight, a generalized societal fear, suspension of certain civil lib...
Illinois Veterans in Illinois can now bedesignatedas a veteran on state driver’s licenses. Illinois alsooffersa veterans grant and National Guard grant for tuition at public colleges and universities, according to Linda Chapa LaVia, the director of the Illinois Department of Veterans...
Claims that state lawmakers had passed a bill allowing phrase to appear on license plates originated from a satire site.
Today we have the so-called war on terror, with no end in sight, a generalized societal fear, suspension of certain civil liberties, and an ill-defined enemy who could be anywhere, and anything.Newspeak — the fictional, stripped-down English language, used to limit free thought. OMG (Oh...
It appears that the police now have a device that can read license plates and check if a car is unregistered,uninsured or stolen.We already know that National Security Agency can dip into your Facebook page and Google searches.And it seems that almost every store we go into these days want...
license plates and check if a car is unregistered,uninsured or stolen.We already know that National Security Agency can dip into your Facebook page and Google searches.And it seems that almost every store we go into these days wants your home phone number and ZIP code as part of any deal...