其中包括拼写校正(Spell Checking),语境分析下的词汇应用纠正(Contextual Spelling Check),语法规则纠正(Grammar),标点符号纠正(Punctuation),句式架构纠正(Sentence Structure)等功能。 NO.10 WhiteSmoke 网站地址: http://www.whitesmoke.com 和grammarly一样...
其中包括拼写校正(Spell Checking),语境分析下的词汇应用纠正(Contextual Spelling Check),语法规则纠正(Grammar),标点符号纠正(Punctuation),句式架构纠正(Sentence Structure)等功能。 NO.10 WhiteSmoke 网站地址:whitesmoke.com 和grammarly一样,whitesmoke也是在国外广受好评的文本检查软件之一。作为完整的英文写作和学习...
Clarity, vocabulary, and tone improvements. Get Grammarly Pro Everything in Free Full-sentence rewrites Word choice Tone suggestions Fluency suggestions Plagiarism detection“My biggest piece of advice for anyone in college is to download Grammarly. Grammarly catches mistakes you might miss and helps wi...
Full-sentence rewrites Word choice Tone suggestions Fluency suggestions Plagiarism detection “My biggest piece of advice for anyone in college is to download Grammarly. Grammarly catches mistakes you might miss and helps with communicating clearly. Game changer!” ...
Automatic language detection requires that a sentence of text be written in that language. Depending on the length of your sentences, you might need to type several sentences before Word has enough contextual information to automatically detect the language and apply the correct dictionary. Words that...
Often the simplest punctuation, but a misplaced period can change the meaning entirely. Is your sentence really complete? Question Marks? Sometimes it’s clear, sometimes it’s not? When adding a question within a statement, the placement can be tricky. ...
If you want your sentence just as it is, click the Dismiss next to the delete icon. Doing so removes the Grammarly suggestion. At the bottom, you will notice the ‘See more in Grammarly’ option. Clicking on that will open a new Grammarly pop-in where you can see more details. ...
There is a text reader option to read your texts out loud, a dictionary to quickly find the words you need, and even a translator which works with over 50 different languages. The sentence rephrasing and personal training features will further help you improve your writing. Though Ginger Softw...
My admittedly dated version of Microsoft Word (Word for Mac 2011) is programmed to recognize and correct passive voice, a no-no in most grammar circles. When I type this sentence into Word, the program dutifully underlines it in green and suggests: "John parked the car." That would be fi...
1] Grammarly Grammarlyis one of the best ever grammar checking tools available online. It is available as a Chrome extension and helps you detecting spelling errors, grammar mistakes, wrong sentence formations, and much more. Just install the extension on your Chrome browser and it checks all yo...