要从美国国税局 (IRS) 检索您的雇主识别码 (EIN),Atlas 开户者应当从您管理平台的“文档”选项卡检索贵公司的 SS-4 申请表,并在拨打(+1) 800-829-4933 致电美国国税局时准备好该税表。目前无法在线检查 EIN 状态。 概览 在使用 Stripe Atlas 组建公司的过程中,您需要填写一份SS-4 申请表,我们会将该税...
Your EIN will be used to track your business income taxes When a business pays a contractor $600 or more during a tax year, it has to report these payments to the IRS and a W9 form is used by your customer to collect the FEIN so they can report this data ...
Applicants can also apply for an EIN by sending a completed Form SS-4 to the IRS, which can take up to five weeks to process. If they live, or have their principal business, in the U.S. or its territories, they can mail the application to the Internal Revenue Service, Attention...
Getting your IRS tax ID (EIN) After your formation in Delaware is complete, Atlas will file for your company's IRS tax ID. Founders who provide a US Social Security number, US address and US phone are eligible for expedited processing; all other users will receive standard processing. For ...
View the status of the e-filing under Filing status. Below is the list of statuses and what they mean: Not Submitted: You haven't e-filed Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC with the IRS. You can continue revising it. Submitted: You have e-filed the form to the...
sensors Article Genotyping of KRAS Mutational Status by the In-Check Lab-on-Chip Platform Maria Guarnaccia 1,†, Rosario Iemmolo 1,† ID , Floriana San Biagio 2, Enrico Alessi 3 ID and Sebastiano Cavallaro 1,* ID 1 Institute of Neurological Sciences, Italian National Research Council, Via...