Feature request: Option to disable the green check mark on desktop icons This is a copy of https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/idea/c6ed0cc0-7957-ed11-a81b-000d3a7e4185 (I wrote that post first, but now I found this forum, which is more appropriate I think...
This is a copy of https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com/feedback/idea/c6ed0cc0-7957-ed11-a81b-000d3a7e4185 (I wrote that post first, but now I found this forum, which is more appropriate I think, sinc... MikeWWW Iron Contributor Oct 30, 2022 You should ...
The check mark symbol is also known as the tick symbol or right symbol, which can signify that something is correct or completed. Here are the simple instructions on how to quickly add this symbol in Microsoft Word. Common Method: Insert Check Mark Symbol in Word While in Microsoft Word, m...
Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret in VS2017 Cannot open Window service in your computer Cannot perform '=' operation on System.Double and System.String. Cannot play MP4 videos in Chrome and IE on ASP.net cannot redirect after http headers have been sent. Cannot send a content-...
CheckedChanged event not firing on a radio button within UpdatePanel Checking a checkbox of another page through a button. Checking if text within a textbox has changed Checking if the back button was clicked CheckMark Symbol Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASS...
C# Drawing on a panel and saving drawings C# Failed to parse method 'InitializeComponent'. The parser reported the following error 'Invalid symbol kind: NamedType'. Please look in the Task List for potential errors. C# Finding a window using wi...
Step 1:Hold any app icons on your iPhone screen and wait for the X to appear at the corner of your app's icon. Step 2:Select any icon and move it randomly across the screen. Note:If you notice that the icon slips off your finger at any point on the screen, the touch point could...
BOINC/checkin_notes_2006 Go to file Go to file T Go to line L Copy path Copy permalink Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 13904 lines (11480 sloc) 402 KB Raw Blame Edit this file E Open in GitHub Desktop Open with Desktop View raw View blame ...
- Bug Fix: Fix compile error on Unix platforms for the BOINC Manager - Bug Fix: Don't blow out of the core client when running as a service/daemon and adding a project fails. Thanks to Sebastian Masch for tracking down the bug. client/ client_state.C, .h cs_cmdline.C main.C clien...
reaction mesomerize neutralize remove absolute stereo remove atom values remove attached data remove explicit hydrogens remove fragment remove r-group definitions remove stereo care box replace atoms set absolute stereo set hydrogen isotope symbol strip salts tautomerize transform ungroup s-groups unmap ...