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手勢筆劃長度閾值 (GestureStrokeLengthThreshold) 手勢筆劃方正度閾值 手勢筆劃類型 手勢筆劃寬度 GlEsVersion GoIcon 漸層半徑 授予Uri權限 重力 GridViewStyle 群組指示器 GwpAsanMode HandHour HandHourTint 時針色調模式 HandleProfiling HandMinute HandMinuteTint HandMinuteTintMode HandSecond HandSecondTint Hand...
- Hardcoded_Password_in_Connection_String - Password_In_Comment - Use_Of_Hardcoded_Password fields: - type: result name: application jira-field-name: Application jira-field-type: label - type: result name: cve jira-field-name: CVEs jira-field-type: label - type: result name: cwe jira-fi...
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private int blogId; @Column(length = 999) private String discription; @CreatedDate private LocalDate dateCreated; private LocalTime timeCreated; private long like; private long dislike; public blogs(int blogId, String discrip...
Caption attribute: Any string, up to 1024 characters. Top of Page ACCWeb103904 Error textAccess was unable to convert the query for use on the Web because it contains a sub-query. What it meansThe query contains a subquery. Subqueries are not supported on the server. ...
For each inline part in NDB Cluster tables which has no corresponding BLOB part, write a dummy BLOB part of the required length, consisting of spaces. --character-sets-dir Command-Line Format--character-sets-dir=path Directory containing character sets. ...
{ friend class VMStructs; friend...const KlassID _id; // The fields _super_check_offset, _secondary_super_cache, _secondary_supers...juint _super_check_offset; // 类名. Instance classes: java/lang/String, etc...instance mirroring this class OopHandle _java_mirro...
mysql.E001: MySQL/MariaDB does not allow unique CharFields to have a max_length > 255. This check was changed to mysql.W003 in Django 3.1 as the real maximum size depends on many factors. mysql.W002: MySQL/MariaDB Strict Mode is not set for database connection <alias>. See also Set...
2.1.422 Part 1 Section, summaryLength (Percentage of Document to Use When Generating Summary) 2.1.423 Part 1 Section, themeFontLang (Theme Font Languages) 2.1.424 Part 1 Section, updateFields (Automatically Recalculate Fields on Open) 2.1.425 Pa...
public abstract String message() Gets the message property: Specifies the detailed reason if the name is not available. Returns: the message value. nameAvailable public abstract boolean nameAvailable() Gets the nameAvailable property: Specifies if the name is available....