I have had so many instances where I wanted to check if a value was present in an array or not. You can probably iterate over all the array items and check it individually, but what if I give you the red pill? I have created an array in which there is a stringasdfand I want to...
To check if a Bash array contains a value, use the echo command and pipe it to grep command to search the value from the defined array. Use the grep Command 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 #!/bin/bash #declare an array my_array=("apple" "banana" "cherr...
I create a data.table like this: I then try to pass it a function using := but I get condition has length > 1 error. I know this is because this is how if works. I could do something like the follo... How to make a react bootstrap dropdown with panelgroups ...
Check out this bash cheatsheet, it can help alot. To check the length of arguments passed in, you use "$#" To use the array of arguments passed in, you use "$@" An example of checking the length, and iterating would be: myFunc() { if [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; then for arg in ...
When working with Bash scripts, you might encounter situations where you need to check if an array is empty or not. There are two ways of knowing it: if [[ -z "${array1[@]}" ]]; then Here, you get all the elements of the array and use the string comparison to see if the res...
[] as pathid,t0.depth+1 as depth,t1.id,t1.parentid FROM tmp0 t1, tmp3 t0 where 1=1 and t1.parentid=t0.id ) select distinct '/'||array_to_string(a0.pathid,'/') as pathid, a0.depth, a0.id,a0.parentid,lpad(a0.id::text, 2*a0.depth-1+length(a0.id::text),' ...
p2=$(jq '.recommendations | [.[]|.Message|startswith("[P2]")] | map(select(. == true)) | length' ${jsonFile} 2>/dev/null \ || jq 'if .p2 == false then 0 elif .p2 == true then "!" else "" end' ${jsonFile} 2>/dev/null || echo "") ...
In a shell you can use the -z operator which is True if the length of string is zero. A simple one-liner to set default MY_VAR if it's not set, otherwise optionally you can display the message: [[ -z "$MY_VAR" ]] && MY_VAR="default" [[ -z "$MY_VAR" ]] && MY_VAR=...
It transforms the data structure supplied by Checkmk in such a way that you can address each of the individual values by name (or key) at will, and not be dependent on repeatedly searching through the array to find what you are looking for: { 'Hamburg': {'members': 'myhost11,myhost...
if (Array.isArray(results.summary.farmhands)) { results.summary.farmhands.forEach((farmhand) => { farmerStardropsList.value.push({ id: farmhand.id, name: farmhand.name, leftStardrops: getFarmerStardrops(farmhand), }); farmhand.stardropsCompleted = getFarmerStardrops(farmhand).length ==...