针对你遇到的“error: could not find jdk tools.jar, please check if your jdk was installed”错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查JDK是否已安装: 你可以在命令行中输入 java -version 来检查Java环境是否安装成功。如果系统提示找不到命令或版本信息不正确,说明JDK可能未安装或安装路径未添加到系统...
使用hdc命令安装release HAP包到设备时上报“INSTALL_FAILED_APP_SOURCE_NOT_TRUSTED”错误 如何通过路由跳转到一个只有页面没有UIAbility的模块 如何查询应用包的名称、供应商、版本号、版本文本、安装时间、更新时间描述信息 如何在本应用中获取到其他应用的HAP包信息 如何安装打包出来的App包(通过什么命令安装)...
When the project is installed, the message "code:9568322 error: signature verification failed due to not trusted app source" is displayed. What should I do? Are there any differences between signed and unsigned packages? What are the impacts of developing non-UI functions using TS instead ...
The system responds with the path where Java is installed. Use the path to check the Java version: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -versionCopy Alternatively, use thewhereis commandand follow thesymbolic linksto find the Java path. To do it, take the following steps: 1. R...
启动intellij时报错Failed to load JVM DLL..jre\bin\jvm.dll,If you already have 64-bit JDK installed 异常截图如下: ps: 电脑系统崩了 重装之后 安装完 IDEA 启动报错 一开始以为是JDK 安装有问题 确认后发现JDK 和IDEA 都安装的没问题 参考其他博客 大部分解决方案都是 检查jdk安装是否成功 ... ...
Detected installed tools that are not currently used by active ESP-IDF version. For removing old versions of amazon-corretto-11-x64-windows-jdk, espressif-ide, idf-driver, idf-python-wheels use command 'python.exe C:\Espressif\frameworks\esp-idf-v5.3.1\tools\idf_tools.py uninstall' ...
配置Java 路径检查环境变量确认 Java 版本构建成功Java 版本错误环境变量错误Java 路径错误JavaInstalledJavaPathConfiguredSystemEnvironmentConfiguredJavaVersionVerifiedBuildSuccessJavaVersionErrorSystemEnvironmentErrorJavaPathError 总结 当Jenkins 报错 “Not able to find Java executable or version. Please check your Java...
1. Open Command Line or Terminal On Windows, open the Command Promptcmd. On macOS or Linux, open the Terminal. 2. Run the Javac Version Command Thejavaccommand gives the version of theJDK, the Java development kit. In the command prompt or Terminal, type the following command and press...
The IDE itself would use a JRE / JDK that is installed on your system or one that comes packaged with the IDE. There is nothing in the SDK / JVM that specifically identifies itself as running from within an IDE. If you need to identify this in your program, pass a ...
[√]Flutter(Channel stable,3.7.1, on Microsoft Windows [Version10.0.22621.1105], locale en-US)[√]WindowsVersion(Installed version of Windows is version10or higher)[!]Androidtoolchain-developforAndroiddevices(Android SDK version33.0.1)XAndroidlicensestatusunknown.Run`flutterdoctor--...