req.check('entity.size').notEmpty().isLength({ max:100}).withMessage('歌曲文件信息不正确') req.check('entity.mimeType').notEmpty().isLength({ max:100}).withMessage('歌曲文件类型不正确') req.check('entity.duration').notEmpty().isLength({ max:100}).withMessage('歌曲时长不正确') ...
is-what JS type check (TypeScript supported) functions like `isPlainObject() isArray()` etc. A simple & small integration. mesqueeb •5.0.2•7 months ago•122dependents•MITpublished version5.0.2,7 months ago122dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
JS type check (TypeScript supported) functions like `isPlainObject() isArray()` etc. A simple & small integration. - woodcockjosh/is-what
@cryptexlabs/is-what JS type check (TypeScript supported) functions like `isPlainObject() isArray()` etc. A simple & small integration. joshwoodcock •5.0.8•3 months ago•1dependents•MITpublished version5.0.8,3 months ago1dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
Check outHow to Filter Empty Strings from an Array in TypeScript? 2. Using Strict Equality Another method is to compare the string directly to an empty string using strict equality (===). Here is the complete code to check if a string is empty using a strict equality operator. ...
Runs the.test-d.tsfiles through the TypeScript compiler and statically analyzes them for errors. Checks the errors againstassertionsand reports any mismatches. Assertions expectType<T>(expression: T) Asserts that the type ofexpressionis identical to typeT. ...
typeof: the keyword helps to check value types, like boolean, string, number, etc. instanceof: the keyword to compare the object instance with a class constructor. type guards: The powerful way to check types using typescript feature language. Scenario We are building accounting software with ...
language Yes Array of Check language. The value is strings in array format and can be cpp,java,js,python,php,css,html ,go,typescript,csharp. rule_sets No Array of Specifying a Rule Set RuleSetV2 objects task_type No String Check type. The value can be ...
TypeScript 概览 核心接口 GameServer LocalServerMethodRoute 对象定义 gobeDeveloperCode ActionArgs RoomInfo RouterInfo UpdateRoomInfo CacheValue PlayerInfo RecvFromClientInfo RecvFrameMessage FrameInfo FrameExtInfo PlayerStatusInfo FramePlayerPropInfo FramePlayerInfo ...
TypeScript object type 首先,您不应该使用数字枚举,因为它不安全(您可以为它分配任何数字)。请改用字符串枚举或字符串并集。 下面是一个使用字符串枚举的解决方案: enum Color { White = 'white', Black = 'black',}enum CastleType { Short = 'short', Long = 'long',}type Dict = { [U in Color...