If any element is contained in the second array, set the variable to true. App.js const arr1 = ['pizza', 'cake', 'cola']; const arr2 = ['pizza', 'beer']; let containsAny = false; for (const element of arr1) { if (arr2.includes(element)) { containsAny = true; break; } ...
Check if each element is not equal to the first array element. If the condition is met, set a boolean variable to false and exit the loop. index.js function allAreEqual(array) { let areEqual = true; for (const element of array) { if (element !== array[0]) { areEqual = false;...
The ES Check script (above) checks/dist/*.jsfiles to see if they're ES5. It throws an error and logs files are that do not pass the check. Why ES Check? In modern JavaScript builds, files are bundled up so they can be served in an optimized manner in the browsers. It is assumed...
This guy is the slowest for trying to check for an Array. However, this is a one stop shop for any type you're looking for. However, since you're looking for an array, just use the fastest method above. Also, I ran some test: So have some fun and check it out. ...
Check if an array or glob of files matches a specified ES version. Note:adds quotation around globs. Globs are patterns like so,<something>/*.js. es-check es5'./vendor/js/*.js''./dist/**/*.js' The ES Check script (above) checks/dist/*.jsfiles to see if they're ES5. It thro...
天看了老东家的一个专题页面,发现里边的checkFrome.js收集了很多对文本框的判断,非常有用收藏一下。 其中包含了: 1、页面截取字符串 2、文本框最大长度限制 3、判断必须是数字和字母的组合 4、判断是否有中文 5、判断是否有sql非法字符 6、判断是否有特殊字符 ...
Quick check if a Node.js Buffer or Uint8Array is valid UTF-8. Advantages Ultra-small package size No dependencies No pre-compilation Install npm install isutf8 Usage CommonJS constisUtf8=require('isutf8');constbuf=Buffer.from([0xd0,0x90]);console.log(isUtf8(buf));// => boolean//...
The predicate function is only available in .ncurc.js or when importing npm-check-updates as a module, not on the command line. This function is an alias for the filter option function. /**@paramname The name of the dependency.@paramsemver A parsed Semver array of the upgraded version....
扫码 添加站长 进交流群 领取专属 10元无门槛券 手把手带您无忧上云 热门标签 更多标签 云服务器 ICP备案 腾讯会议 对象存储 云直播 活动推荐 运营活动 广告 社区 专栏文章 阅读清单 互动问答 技术沙龙 技术视频 团队主页 腾讯云TI平台 活动 自媒体同步曝光计划 邀请作者入驻 自荐上首页 技术竞赛 资源 技术周刊 社...
* * 1、需要验证的元素都加上【required】样式,当然这个required可以当参数传递,也可以自定义class类名 * 2、@data-valid 验证规则,验证多个规则中间用【||】隔开,更多验证规则,看rules和rule,后面遇到可继续增加 * 3、@data-error 规则对应的提示信息,一一对应 * 调用方式 checkFun({ formId:'verifyCheck...