按照网上查到的一些解决方法都说是gradle的问题,我就修改了它的版本:把原来的6.5,改成了6.5.1 点击项目->右键open module setting 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/whjk20/article/details/108545522
For installation to pass, you must have the following components installed: Java:java -version1.8 Maven:mvn -version3.5.0 and higher Tests cases require: dotnet core version 6.0 Go:go version1.12 and higher Rubybundler-audit Yarn pnpm
For installation to pass, you must have the following components installed:Java: java -version 1.8 Maven: mvn -version 3.5.0 and higherTests cases require:dotnet core version 6.0 Go: go version 1.12 and higher Ruby bundler-audit Yarn pnpm...
For installation to pass, you must have the following components installed: Java:java -version1.8 Maven:mvn -version3.5.0 and higher Tests cases require: dotnet core version 6.0 Go:go version1.12 and higher Rubybundler-audit Yarn pnpm
3. Must have a laptop or desktop with Android Studio, Jdk 1.8, SDK platform 26 and Gradle 4.6 and above installed. 4. Minimum API Level 21 is required. 5. Required EMUI 9.0.0 and later version devices. How to integrate HMS Dependencies ...
Check here highest installed Android API level. Suppose it is 34. Now assign this number tocompileSdkandtargetSdkinbuild.gradlefile. //build.gradle compileSdk 34 defaultConfig { minSdk 29 targetSdk 34 versionCode 1 versionName "1.0" }
针对你遇到的“platform android is not a valid platform to build. check that the sdk is installed”错误,这通常表明Android SDK未正确安装、配置,或者在项目中的引用出现了问题。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 检查Android SDK是否正确安装并配置 确保你已经从Android开发者网站下载了Android SDK...
Error:com.android.tools.aapt2.Aapt2Exception: AAPT2error:checklogs for details 解决办法: 打开项目根目录gradle.properties 36220 误操作YUM导致error,rpmdb解决方法 1、由于搭建Kubernetes集群,误操作导致执行yum出现Error: rpmdb open failed错误,如下图 根据提示我们可以知道rpm数据库在yum安装过程中使用导致RPM数...