你可以用如下的思路用setInterval来代替onkeyup做异步检查onblur以后如果检查不合格,强行focus原来的input这是伪代码function check() { // 执行检查代码}setInterval(function () { if (check()) { // go to next input }}, 10...
用setInterval来代替onkeyup做异步检查 onblur以后如果检查不合格,强行focus原来的input 这是伪代码 function check() { // 执行检查代码 } setInterval(function () { if (check()) { // go to next input } }, 100); input.onblur = function () { if (!check()) { input.focus(); alert('erro...
(input type specific) enabledCheckboxClass: '', enabledRadioClass: '', // class added on hover state (pointer is moved onto an input) hoverClass: 'hover', // class added on focus state (input has gained focus) focusClass: 'focus', // class added on active state (mouse button is ...
Create a duplicate of a DIV and ALL its objects (input controls, dropdownlists, etc) Create and clone the dropdown in html table row on button click create and save xml file on disk using javascript Creating a Modal Popup Using javascript Window.Open Creating folder on client machine.. crea...
<input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[2]"> </div> 默认情况下,我不提供任何CSS样式(如果你不使用皮肤)。 选项 这些选项是默认的: { // 'checkbox' or 'radio' to style only checkboxes or radio buttons, both by default handle: '', ...
// class added on focus state (input has gained focus) focusClass: 'focus', // class added on active state (mouse button is pressed on input) activeClass: 'active', // adds hoverClass to customized input on label hover and labelHoverClass to label on input hover labelHover: true, /...
// class added on focus state (input has gained focus) focusClass: 'focus', // class added on active state (mouse button is pressed on input) activeClass: 'active', // adds hoverClass to customized input on label hover and labelHoverClass to label on input hover labelHover: true, /...
How to show javascript alert box in page center How to show Message after user click on submit button in MVC how to show message box in web application how to show on screen keyboard, when focus on textbox? How to show the download file when webclient is used? How to show the value ...
$('input').iCheck('check'); //将输入框的状态设置为checked $('input').iCheck('uncheck'); //移除 checked 状态 $('input').iCheck('toggle'); //toggle checked state $('input').iCheck('disable'); //将输入框的状态设置为 disabled $('input').iCheck('enable'); //移除 disab...