If you have reserved a seat, you can check-in online for your flight between 30 days and 4 hours before your scheduled flight. If you have not reserved a seat you cannot check in until 48 hours before travel. If you are flying twice with Ryanair within 15 days of each other, you ca...
点了check in才发现把生日1988选成了1998然后就不能改了说是要打客服电话去改 然后打电话他又说现在因为XXX原因(没听清)不能接电话让我待会再拨 请问各位有过类似经历的大大这种情况改个生日年份要手续费不 或者不改的话机场查护照的时候会不会有问题 因为我是从英国走Ryanair的政策是非欧盟居民除了要online c...
When I try to check in, I am being asked to verify my booking. Why? Travel Documents What travel documents are valid and can be used for travel on Ryanair flights? Do I need a visa to travel? I am a non-EU/EEA citizen and need to complete a visa check. How do I do this?
取消了,可以online check-in了
Ryanair Help Centre Check-In & Travel Documents Check-In 搜索 Check-In How do I check in for my flights? When can I check in? Can I check in at the airport? What happens if I do not check in online? What do I need to check in? I received an error alert and cannot ...
Ryanair的条约里明文规定,online check-in的前提条件之一是持欧盟护照或身份证件,中国护照不能办理...
(一) Ryanair的check-in和行李有关规定 原文:https://www.ryanair.com/gb/en/useful-info/help-...
online check-in 是没有托运行李才能选择的,直接打牌进安检 你现在有托运行李,应该选airport check-in...
关于ryanair on-line check-in 的问题在瑞安航空定的机票,貌似现在都要求on line check-in,如果在柜台check-in的话,每人要交60欧。所以肯定on line了,可是当check in的时候,发现有问题。我是西班牙的留学生,护照上的签证已经过期,拿着西班牙的学生居留,看了ryanair on line check-in 的步骤,有一项要填travel...