The URL scheme that redirects users to open an app in an Android or iOS system when the target app is installed. Note: When the value ofresultCodeisPAYMENT_IN_PROCESS, at least one ofschemeUrl,applinkUrl,andnormalUrlis to be returned. More information: Maximum length: 2048 characte...
The invention discloses a hotel self-service check-in and check-out system. The hotel self-service check-in and check-out system comprises an electronic door lock module, a room management module and a management server, wherein the electronic door lock module and the room management module ar...
我正要从图书馆办手续借这本书.4.相等,相同; 符合,一致 Look at the other list and see if the names check out.查查另一张单子,看名字是否相同.5.合格; 通过 The trainee checked out all right on his first flight.受训者第一次飞行完全合格....
northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, April 18, 2024. According to the statistics of the Horgos entry-exit border checkpoint, a total of over 1.34 million people have checked in and out of the center this year as of April...
checkin和checkout的区别 含义不同、⽤法不同、侧重点不同。check in的意思是办理⼊住⼿续;check out的意思是给…办理结账⼿续。check in侧重于表⽰信息的录⼊;check out侧重于表⽰信息的登出。check in和check out的不同 check in:check的最基本意思是“检查,核对”,指以确保某事物是否正确、...
check-in:办理酒店入住手续 首先填写入住表格,入住表格的内容包括:姓名、性别、国籍、居住地、身份证(外国人护照)号码、联络电话、入住日期天数等信息。酒店发放押金单(由酒店填写)和住房钥匙给客户。2.check-out:办理酒店离店手续 办理离店,通知退房部查看房内原有物品和饮品酒水是否齐全以及房内物品...
它们的意思分别如下:1、check in (在旅馆)登记入住;挂号;(在机场)验票(或护照等);记录,登记签到 例句:I'll ring the hotel. I'll tell them we'll check in tomorrow.(旅馆入住)What time do I have to check in?(飞机检票)2、check out (办理退房手续)结账离开;检查,核实;符合...
I've set up a sharepoint hub site with several subsites and document libraries. I've done the permissions for the user groups. I've put in versioning and document ID and I've turned on the check in/out system. When anyone checks out a document, then tries to open it in the app...
check out跟check in对应,export跟import对应。 check out导出获得文件后,导出的文件仍处于SVN版本控制中,与版本库保持关联,比如你可以进行Svn Update或者Svn Commit操作。同时导出文件夹下有一个.svn的隐藏文件夹,存储着一些版本的元数据信息。 export 简单导出一个版本的数据,导出的文件脱离SVN版本控制,修改后无进行...
A system for operator-unassisted checkout of randomly disposed articles (12) in a container (10) in a checkout area (14) of a supermarket or the like, performed without contacting the articles in the container, includes, associated with each article, respective transmitters (20) for transmittin...