I am checking for url & return "valid" if url status code "200" & "invalid" if its on "404", urls are links which redirect to a certain page (url) & i need to check that page (url) status to determine if its valid or invalid on the basis of its status code. <?php// From...
This is what I use to check if a URL exists: function UrlExists(url, cb) { jQuery.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'text', type: 'GET', complete: function (xhr) { if (typeof cb === 'function') cb.apply(this, [xhr.status]); } }); } UrlExists('-- Insert Url Here --', f...
function isURL(str) { try { new URL(str); } catch (_) { return false; } return true; } 复制 方法3:使用字符串方法 JavaScript的字符串方法startsWith()和endsWith()可以用来检查字符串是否以http://或https://开头,或以常见的域名结尾,从而确定它是否为URL。以下是一个示例函数: function isURL...
This article discusses the concept of cookies and how to check if a cookie exists or not using JavaScript. the Different Types of JavaScript Cookies There are three types of cookies: Session cookies are stored in your browser. They are deleted once the browser is closed. First-party cookies ...
To check if a string is url, we can use the following regex pattern in JavaScript. Here is an example: function isURL(str) { const pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?'+ // protocol '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|'+ // domain name...
a你们全家人都牙尖! Your whole family all tooth point![translate] a急で 是迫切的[translate] aan on-going division detween english 持续的分裂detween英语[translate] aAlso remember to check if Javascript is enabled in your browser. 并且记住检查Java语言是否在您的浏览器使能。[translate]...
alert("valid url"); var request = new XMLHttpRequest; request.open('GET', url, false); request.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(request.readyState==4){ console.log(request.readyState); return true; }else{ return false; } } request.send(); } alert("invalida url...
In JavaScript, users can use the equality operator (==) to check whether a variable is undefined or null. For example: leta;if(a ==null) {console.log('The variable is a null valued'); }else{console.log(a); } Output: Run Code ...
In JavaScript, the typeof operator is the most used method to check the type of any variable. Alternatively, you can use the typeof() method: let myString = 'John Doe'; typeof myString; // string typeof(myString); // string If used with a string, the typeof operator returns "...
<noscript></noscript> ... here your index codings go on. Than, the idex.html will redirect the user to no-js.html page, if they disabled the js. now open your no-js.html file to check if the user re- enable js than redirect to index.htl page. No javascript Please enable...